Serious question for self identified democrats

based on the votes cast by likely presidential candidates, it would seem that the part of the democratic presidential candidate platform is legalized infanticide. Do you support this? What am I missing, how is this not murder?

i support it. is euthanasia murder? it’s the same concept. if you’ve seen aladdin, youll understand that orphans have a very bleak future!

I have no idea what this law is supposed to accomplish except demonstrate the sponsoring senators bone fides on the abortion issue prior to his run for some higher office. But I do love the cognitive dissonance of republicans on this issue. Currently alive humans are suffering in our own country, neighboring countries, and around the world. Some even arrive on our border, but we are happy to look the other way, leave them to their torments including murderous gangs. We cut foreign aid to help them in their homeland, and raise tariffs that undercut their meager economies. So please, save your lectures and hypocrisy about infanticide.

malee. this article has nothing to do with abortion. heres a direct quote:

“This bill does not address abortion. . . . What this bill does is address the health care of a baby that is born alive after a botched abortion. We’re not talking about abortion, folks. We’re talking about the life of a child that is born.”

this is essentially killing an unwanted baby.

also the illegal immigrants are not our problem. they chose to risk their life, so they should reap the rewards as well as the losses.

There’s hope for you nerdy.

oh wait you misunderstand. i dont mind mercy killings.

Look, I understand some people don’t care about children at the border, or in detention camps, or children who die at the hands of dictators, or when we drop a bomb on their whole village. But be consistent.

South Park way ahead of the game, as usual.

Turd, did you create a new account and vote up yourself 300 times?

what do you think I am, some kind of fragile ego loser with nothing better to do?

as justin timberlake once said:

People killin’, people dyin’ Children hurt and you hear ‘em cryin’ Can you practice what you preach? And would you turn the other cheek?

i absolutely would

lucky for the world, we finally have a President who values life above all things. We created this moment in time with our collective intent. That is why we are on the verge of world peace. That is why we are in the first days of the #GoldenAge. 1,000 years of peace and prosperity.

KMD got over 2,000 upvotes last night. We have some bots running amok. I don’t think the most dedicated solider of Q or even multiple friends from the subcontinent could pull that off.

Edit: My bad. I was on mobile and read her points as karma. Still went up by about 300. Whatever.

u asked for it STL, fix it

yep i would have positive 1000 karma if it wasnt for the bots!

Says person with suspiciously high karma :grin:

its a shame because if the votes could be trusted, maybe you’d get the hint you have negative votes because of all the poorly formatted song lyrics lmao

i get the hint! i just dont believe in karma!

nothing will bite you back when you are constantly winning!

Many men wish death upon me Blood in my eye, dawg, and I can’t see I’m tryin’ to be what I’m destined to be And niggas tryin’ to take my life away

For the most part it’s working as intended. The CFA forums are using it correctly with good answers being upvoted and wrong or misleading answers getting downvoted.

It’s just the WC that’s broken, but even here the comments that actually get hidden, by and large, have deserved it. I don’t really care if a bot or a very lonely person goes through all 11,000 of my posts and downvotes them individually. If this is actual feedback, you know the forum to post it in. I’m not sure how much capacity Chad has to chase down vote manipulators that really only targets the WC.

If anyone feels passionately that something should be done. Visit the Feedback Forum.

comments actually get hidden?