Honest Accounts! Women with different incomes talking about their budgets!


Illegal Petes, Irish Rover, Tap Fourteen, and Ophelias… That chick goes to 99% of the same places as me. Strongly approve of her tastes. But cot dayum, $40K/yr? You already know she lives in a run down apartment in 5-points. It seriously isn’t hard to make $50K in downtown Denver.

edit: can we please do an analyst forum water cooler edition of this? I’d like Ohai to start please.

Unfortunately, I cannot watch this here. However, I assume that they are just spending money on reasonable daily expenses and also allocating adequate savings to fund a comfortable retirement.

basically they say their age/job/income

net worth.

take home pay and budget.

and talk about their expenditures.

it doesnt seem realistic from a statistical standpoint. most people i’ve seen with that income do not have that kind of net worth. so they are cherry picking great savers!