FTSE / Russell Users

Any buy-siders out there who use Russell in their marketing material? We have benchmarked to the Russell 2000 V for years and received data from them for comparison purposes. We got a renewal form from them and price went up 5x. Back office tells me no difference in service, only jump in price. Salesman gave some BS about old price was an intro price - yeah right, for the last 12 years? Anybody else have the same issues? Certainly we want to continue using the same BM, but I HATE having them stick it to us like that. Maybe I will have to suck it up, but a 5x increase tells me something stinks.

Wait…you have to pay for a benchmark? Aren’t those public knowledge or something?

We get information from them for benchmark comparisons such as margins, ROE, P/E, etc. We might be able to get that info from other sources, but now they claim we need a license to use their benchmark in our materials. I don’t want anybody’s data for free, but the radical increase has me wondering if something else is going on.