Worst movie you're ever watched

My two picks:

Chained:Code 207. This was back in the day when Redbox DVD vending machines were still around and for reasons I’ll never understand they had Code 207 in their selection. The movie is just brutal.It’s so bad that you think it’s a parody. Most of it looks like it was filmed with an iPhone at your local high school by a drunken film crew.

Triple frontier. Ben Affleck’s new low.

One of the Star Wars movies, can’t remember which one, first and last I’ll watch. Didn’t make sense to me at all.

district 9

For me it’s either the rollerball remake with Chris Klien where they seemed to have run out of budget half way through or Animal Factory with Matthew lillard which was just sensationally bad.

i thought district 9 was alright. What’s the beef igor?

Are you talking about best bad movies or just bad movies? If just bad movies, then Halle Berry Catwoman. It was just… unexplainable.

Also, I learned from the Economist recently that the highest grossing Chinese film of all time is “Wolf Warrior 2”. I think I need to see this at some point.

Igor doesn’t like District Nine as it threatens to expose his identity as a cockroach man. I might have said too much.

Zardoz, hands down, not even close. Old movie from the 1970’s starring Sean Connery. Yes, as in Mr. Bond, James Bond. Had to be a career low for him…

i was hammered when i watched it and i tried sleeping through it but couldnt so the storyline was dumb to me

OMG, agree 100%!!! It is a total PoS!!! :-1: :-1: :broken_heart:

I’m so happy I’m not the only retard here who screws up the titles to threads they make.

The Star Wars Holiday Special

the new world. really destroyed pocahantas for me

You guys are insane. Just look at this and tell me the movie isn’t of the highest quality.

Image result for sean connery zardoz


One of my favourite movies. They have to make a sequel to see if the alien returns to save that guy.

Bone Tomahawk. Can’t unsee.


This is an interesting question and one I wouldn’t have thought of this way until recently. There are tons of movies I think were bad; some really stupid/cheesy/funny (e.g. Toxic Avenger, Deep Rising, Cyber Ninja, Troll 2, Starcrash, Howard the Duck) and others just plain terrible (e.g. The Great Wall, Battlefield Earth). None though really had a material impact on me other than providing some entertainment and the occasional eye roll.

That said, The Last Jedi (most recent full Star Wars movie) is probably the first movie I can really recall where I legitimately left the theater upset. I could deal with it being bad and a waste of 2 hrs, even going as low to accept that train wreck that was Independence Day 2. The Last Jedi is in a class of its own though, purposefully sending a big FU to most SW fans (in my view). I could go on about why it was so bad, but this guy lays it down so well (see link).

The cut was so deep, I don’t know if I’ll ever recover…

They are known as “prawns” in that Johannesburg alien ghetto, dude, not cockroach men.

An inconvenient truth counts right? I saw that a decade or so ago and seeing that it was a work of fiction, they could have made it funnier or more entertaining.

A movie called Jennifer. My friends and I used to try to watch this movie when we were bored but never made it very far

