Input is this costume offensive?

Was going to wear a very similar thing for my first trip to a legal dispensary but now having thought about it, realize it may be offensive? Thoughts? Think twice about anything that could have questionable implications. This

its weird. people just go in regular clothes. you literally dont have to dress up. at least in cali.

I’m aware it’s unnecessary.

It is weird… if you want attention, you’ll get it. I don’t find it offensive.

Ok, so thoughts on appropriateness aside it’s good to go in terms of not being offensive seems to be the take away.

Just be sure to mention that it’s your first time and you don’t do this very often, but that you just want to take full advantage of your rights as a Colorado citizen - even if it’s your 400th time going.

Anything is offensive to some percentage of people. If I say I like potatoes or something, someone is going to be offended.

This costume is probably 30% offensive. So just a slightly higher percentage than Nery is gay. Don’t know what threshold you care about.

Your real hair, or a wig?

lol why am i a gay

I have zero hair.

From a good source, most likely the chemicals in your water.

Image result for alex jones frog

I think to the extent it is an exaggerated depiction of some other race or culture, it is offensive.

If you view this as an exaggerated representation of an African or Jamaican culture, it is probably offensive and a bad idea from a cultural perspective.

If you view this as an exaggerated representation of hippy culture, it is probably less of a hot button issue and maybe fine.

Your decision depends on your risk tolerance for being offensive. Additionally, past lack of offensiveness is no guarantee for future offensiveness performance.

Everyone is partially gay. I think a lot of people here are rank 1 - only gay for Warren Buffet. Igor can be rank X, the most elite.

Rating Description 0 Exclusively heterosexual 1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual 2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual 3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual 4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual 5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual 6 Exclusively homosexual X No socio-sexual contacts or reactions

Could go like this


Just a heads up, BS - If you ever want to possess or buy a gun again, don’t go to a dispensary. And especially don’t buy anything.

When you buy a gun and have to fill out that form, one of the questions is “have you ever committed a felony?” Since weed is still illegal under federal law, government agencies are cross referencing the dispensaries’ databases of costumers with sales of new guns. Bottom line, you get in huge trouble. I guess lying on a form to purchase a firearm is frowned upon.

I’d link sources, but I don’t want to google “buying a gun after buying marijuana at a dispensary” at work. Check it out though. People really are getting busted.

I have to question this. For starters, they can only ask about and act on convictions (innocent until proven guilty). I have seen that people who are on the medical marijuana databases are getting blocked from purchase, but not in any trouble. Similarly, it would get hard to really get hit hard if you can argue you weren’t aware that your answer was incorrect (to the best of my knowledge clause). Anyhow, I’m not on the medical marijuana card and most dispensaries that are recreational A) aren’t required to store your info B) don’t submit it to any database and C) are cash based so it would be hard to prove any transaction in court to get the conviction. Also simple possession is a federal misdemeanor unless you cross thresholds for amount or intent to sell. I’m calling BS. Anyhow, I already have a solid arsenal, no need to add at this stage.

bs commits felonies he just doesnt get caught. ya feel me.

i prefer watchfing guy on girl vs girl on girl. i guess thats kinda gay.

Ok, there is a question asking if you’re an unlawful user of MJ on the questionnaire, but again, would fall under a difficult burden of proof unless you had the medical license in a database as opposed to visiting a cash dispensary.

Yeah, this sounds like an urban myth