How Dare He?

Abigail Disney criticises chief’s ‘insane’ $65.7m pay

Sharp criticism of inequality from the woman who made $500M for being born.

lots of times ceos increase the market cap of their co by overpaying for companies. they then expect a rise in pay cuz they are managing so much shit.

how much should you pay a guy that has a stock that rose by the same amount as the S&P 500

I don’t think her point was performance based.

I’d think that even an average CEO of a top 500 company has to be a pretty exceptional person.

as ceo you’re incentivized to pay people as low as possible since you want to maximize shareholder value! i wonder if you did the same thing to lower ranks.

so miss disney wants to take the bonuses on the top adn give it to teh bottom. basically she wants to incentivize the pay for the bottom. imo this is equally dumb. but it does make sense to incentivize from top to bottom. as oppose to just the top.

lastly if you can, you should never give a share of profits. wahts wrong with just paying them a fixed fee and firing them if they suck at the job.

Even though I disagree with Abigail Disney’s reasons to oppose Iger’s pay, I still find that level of salary outrageous. The corporate world these days is dominated by Davos men who never put their personal capital at risk, yet keep on pocketing king’s ransoms. The job market for CEOs is anything but efficient, unlike the job market for everybody else. This is a rigged system of boardroom chumminess where pals parcel hefty packages to each other on the back of businesses other people spawned and risked losing their shirts on.

The annual salary of a large cap index manager

This isn’t what you meant. But if you invested in spy which is a large cap index. You pay 9 bps. THey have an aum of 270b, roughly the size of Disney at 220b. Anyways state street generates 240 million dollars. Iger made 66m which means he is kind of underpaid. But I guess you might want to add all executives to make a direct comparison or compare it to tre total comp of the top guy managing spy for state street

I’m surprised (but yet not surprised at all) that executive pay isn’t something that’s being discussed more fervently in the buy side in the US like it is throughout Europe. I’m not talking some SRI guy sitting in a cupboard emerging only to occasionally chastise managers for owning a thermal coal stock, I’m talking about pressure on companies to stop paying CEOs $65.7m instead of distributing more to shareholders or investing in further growth. Or even giving employees decent holiday time or healthcare but that’s just never going to happen is it.

I get that you need to be exceptional to become a CEO of a huge multinational behemoth but does anyone really earn $65.7m a year? Doesn’t it bother people here how easy it is for people to rig the system? I sometimes think that the USA has a collective case of Stockholm syndrome.

lol plus europe taxes them more too. anyways us is just not that great of a place. its definitely better than wherei came from. but clearly there are much better developed countries out there.

it seems ok given their income, the top paid person in the company costed them 0.1% of revenue, i have seen a lot worst in smaller companies even if the wage number seems reasonable

Probably a typical liberal who wants to lived in a house with a barrier, in a community with a barrier, and calls people who want a barrier for the country a racist. Protected day and night by armed men but wants to take everyone else’s guns away. Complains about global warming but flies more than anyone else and in private jets. And here complains about inequality when they have more than almost anybody, very sad and delusional! #Trump2020