CNBC make it! im a big fan. i've been wathcing their shit and reading their crap. here are some arts.

cost for family of 4 for each state.:

While a household of two adults and two children can manage on less than $60,000 a year in Tennessee, for example, it takes at least $88,000 a year to make ends meet in New York.

avg ne worth of fam:

Americans say, on average, that it takes a net worth of $2.27 million to be considered “wealthy,” according to a 2019 survey from Charles Schwab. Net worth means assets minus liabilities, so this is a picture of your total savings, including the value of your home, 401(k) and any other assets you may have, minus any debt.

The average net worth of all U.S. families is $692,100, according to The Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances. If you look at the median, or those at the 50th percentile, the amount is significantly lower: $97,300 — and that may be a better gauge, since the super rich can pull up the average.

Here’s the mean net worth of U.S. families based on the age of the head of household:

Age 35 or younger: $76,200 Age 35-44: $288,700 Age 45-54: $727,500 Age 55-64: $1.17 million Age 65-74: $1.07 million Age 75 or older: $1.07 million

And here’s the median net worth of U.S. families based on the age of the head of household:

Age 35 or younger: $11,100 Age 35-44: $59,800 Age 45-54: $124,200 Age 55-64: $187,300 Age 65-74: $224,100 Age 75 or older: $264,800

and this is why i tell my sister not to be with an american. the median person is a piker.

money doesnt buy happiness:

To prove her point, Santos cites a famous 2010 Princeton study. Researchers analyzed the responses of 450,000 Americans who were surveyed about things like their income and whether they were living the best possible life for them. The data showed that while happiness does rise with one’s income, the correlation peaks at about $75,000 per year.

The problem with this study, however, is that it was published nearly a decade ago. Since then, the idea that money doesn’t buy happiness has been disproved by a number of researchers. A 2012 survey by Skandia International’s Wealth Sentiment Monitor, for instance, found the global “happiness income” to be much higher, at $160,000.

And a more recent Harvard study from 2018 suggested that “great wealth does predict greater happiness” — for millionaires. Researchers found “consistent evidence that somewhat higher levels of wealth are not associated with higher well-being, but substantially higher levels (net worth of $8 million or more) are linked to modestly greater well-being.” (While the majority of us aren’t millionaires, there’s still a good amount of data to imply that happiness, to some degree, is tied to money.)

Santos ends the class this way: “So does money really make us happier? Maybe a little bit. Maybe if you’re in the U.S. and you only earn $10,000 a year, then yes, more money would make you happier.” For the rest of us, however, more money won’t make much of a difference.

Congrats, Nery, you are killing it bro. So, if Americans don’t get happier after income reaches a certain modest level, you should retire and preserve your happiness. Does gf know you are moving to the Philippines when you have $400k?

im hitting 400k like within yr. goal is a million between 35 to 40. also gf knows plans.

when i retire i expect 4 children:

exp expenses is 45k.

income will be 100k.

so i’ll racking 55k net post retiremetn.

i need to do this at the bottom of market cycle though. so im thinking retirement date will be 40 to 45. in which case i may have 2m at the top of next cycle.

nayways i kno yall think 45k das crazy. but i grew up in the phillipines until i was 10. and we lived off 15k to 20k/year family of 6.

Yeah, but what was your model/bottle budget when you were 10?

confused girl GIF

haha you caught it. i specically included it for that purpose!

bottle service in the us can range from 300 bucks to 1000

in the philippines it can go from 100 to 200.

“If you look at the median, or those at the 50th percentile, the amount is significantly lower: $97,300 — and that may be a better gauge, since the super rich can pull up the average.”

I was going to post a gif but can’t find one that shows how smug I feel.