How will you cope

With the forum being shut down for almost three days this weekend?

what are we supposed to actually do?

What’s up bro. Have you seen the Aquaman movie? I’m not sure if it was supposed to be treating Aquaman as a serious character or if the whole movie was a joke, but either way it was trippy as hell. The female lead looked and acts like a mid level cosplay at best, and that was pretty distracting. Also, Khal Drogo beating up Patrick Wilson in the end doesn’t exactly make Aquaman seem like the underdog, if you know what I mean. Also, Aquaman’s beta dad seducing Nicole Kidman is totally not believable. It did have a hilariously incredible plot twist in the end though, which is that Aquaman strips a corpse and wears its magic clothes, and then summons a huge Godzilla - thus proving he is the true Aquaman or something. Sorry if I spoiled the Aquaman movie for you.

The fiasco of the Aquaman movie was foretold in Entourage.

get help

Go to the exam and give it yer all!!! :+1:

Afterwards: treat yourself to a nice dinner, go get drunk (not at the liberry), go get laid. :+1:

tehre is reddit. ive recently subbed to fight porn. its like world star! i love watching amateur fights!

Yes bro!!!

I know. When Alaska Airlines offers over 100 movies and the most compelling option is Aquaman, I’d really need help finding new entertainment options. Furthermore, this is the first airline I’ve been on that doesn’t offer a behind the seat screen in first class for coast to coast flights. There is the option to borrow a tablet from the staff, but this device must be held in your hand or balanced precariously on the seat table, leaving little room for other items, such as the tray of limp ravioli as their in flight dining option that in no way makes up for the substandard in flight entertainment. Frequent travelers on domestic long haul flights would do better to take advantage of more competitive premium services offered by other airlines such as Jetblue or Delta.

No idea, but Saturday will probably be a quite busy day for me!

whats happening Saturday?

I’m actually really excited for this test tomorrow. Is that still cool? Or is the cfa program 2008? In 2008 I was 14

Yo, whats the weiredest sub u saw?

There’s been several recent threads on this subject on Search by top and month and you’ll probably find a few.

The newest one to come out of seemingly nowhere is (pretty much SFW). It’s…odd.

cute mode slut mode is pretty cool. you see them doing regular stuff like being a newscaster in real life. then you see them getting banged. its split screen.

also you should be excited. once you take this, you are free little bird!