Are Hyenas going be the next hipster pet replacing pitbulls?

recently read an article saying that entrepreneurs in Africa are domesticating Hyenas in hopes of selling them as pets to hipsters. If pitbulls became welcomed pets so will the Hyenas…

how many years before Hyenas become defacto pets?

This is some Mike Tyson level sht there.

Lol, I am curious to know how tall that guy is in the picture. The hyena looks huge.

I notice for the photo they need to have a muzzle on it. I’m sure it would be possible to have a pet hyena, just as Siegfried and Roy seemed to get on well with their tigers. Same as Siegfried and Roy though, your pet just has to have a bad day, and you will get badly mauled/killed.

they are one step ahead, already doing selective breeding to decrease the size of it. Once they are able to shrink hyenas into the 15-20kg range then society wins

i want a pet panda


The pictured Hyena is a spotted Hyena, by every account from anyone remotely familiar with these, they can’t be domesticated. Everyone who uses these as a sideshow in Africa pretty much abuses them and keeps them muzzled and drugged at all times. Because of their time to maturity, selective breeding of any sort would take human lifetimes. These things are an intelligent but weird animal kept in check by a violent social hierarchy and will never be kept in the US as pets, it’s currently illegal.

Striped hyenas are smaller and have more potential although by and large you still wind up with the same suite of problems and require a specialized diet that most people would be unable to procure / afford.

These animals belong in the category with jaguars which are considered technically untrainable.

BS really is Dwight.

I remember a zoo or something back in the home country that had removed the claws and teeth (I’m not sure about teeth though) of a few tigers and charged people money to have their pictures taken with it.

Image result for dwight false

100%. And I’m being honest here, BS, no facetiousness, I’ve never met anyone with such a wide range and depth of knowledge as you. It’s like a deadweight loss to society that you are wasting even ten minutes of your lifetime posting here on this forum; those are ten minutes that could be spent bettering the lot of humankind as you bestow your vast stores of knowledge on the masses.

me too

a penguin would also be cool

BS asked me to Tank instead of him.Tank goor sir

What about a Kangaroo? You could take it for a walk using the tail instead of a leash.

Tankoo tankoo you too sirs

Eventually they will create a miniature version of each animal, it is a matter of time. The demand already exist, it is a yuge market, dogs and cats have a virtual monopoly but thing will change, pet hyenas, pandas and kangaroo will happen

Imagine some VC backed company starts making miniature Cows and Pigs and just like how sardines are compared to Salmon or whatever you pack a couple of them smoked and prepared in a can. You eat them just like you eat Sardines.

Maybe in the future, they can make very tiny versions of every type of animal, then put two of each type in a sandwich, call it the Noah’s Arc sub or something… Would be cool

A soup would be more appropriate for the context.

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