New UK Prime MInister

Boris Johnson

I like him and his can-do attitude.

Did you know he is an American?

Boris Johnson, the bombastic politician who played a decisive role in the 2016 Brexit referendum, is officially Britain’s new Prime Minister. He took office with a resounding pledge to defy the “doubters and the doomsters” by taking the country out of the European Union by the end of October – a task that defeated his predecessor, Theresa May. Johnson’s first act was to oversee a bloodbath of Cabinet ministers.

Well, the previous version(s) of May’s cabinet didn’t get a hard Brexit, a deal for Brexit, or a decision to remain. Either this will rip off the Band-Aid or result in the conservatives and BoJo losing power. Either way, it’s better than being in a perpetual ‘will they-won’t they’ like in a sitcom.

I somewhat enjoy the Ross-Rachel dynamic going on with the UK and the EU.

Queue WE WERE ON A BREAK joke…

Friends is overrated

I can’t stand it personally. Not for any logical rational reasons, but because I dated this girl for 2 years in college who HAD to have the TV on at night otherwise she couldn’t fall asleep. And she wouldn’t watch anything other than Friends. One night, around 3 in the morning after I thought she was fast asleep, I got up to turn the TV off so I could attempt to get some friggen sleep for once. As soon as I reached for the button I head “WTF are you doing?!”. . . “I’m turning off the TV dear”. . “Like hell you are, I’m watching that”.

well, it didn’t work out lol. But yeah, screw that show.


I was living in London when he was mayor. He was moderate/liberal then, opposite of this recent incarnation. Another career politician, whose only skill seems to be changing his beliefs for political convenience. Everything that’s wrong with politics. Time to Drain the Thames.

haaa I love the liberal media’s coverage on this. The first Brexit vote was chalked up as a misstep done by uninformed (read: stupid and backward) voters. Now the Leave side got another major victory and the media doesn’t know what to write.

^I’m not sure that’s really a fair characterization.

The decision was more a choice between bad (Brexit with a still sensible govt. when it comes to economics) or much worse (Corbyn’s hard communist vision). It’s not hard to see why this happened.

There’s a lot of blame to go around for why Brexit happened, but I’d say Corbyn takes a hefty share. He was very lukewarm on supporting “Remain” in 2016 and it took him a long time to back a second referendum. He just didn’t seem to care much about anything other than his communist manifesto. I don’t know the specifics of UK politics, but it does seem odd that Labour held onto Corbyn for so long when he clearly was not favored by most even within his own party.

In my view this seems it should send a message to Dems for 2020, drop Bernie / AOC or suffer a similar fate. (Though these two seem to have a better following than Corbyn).

They just need to write the truth and stop trying to push their agenda.

Anyone claimed he’s a Russian stooge yet? The name is a giveaway (“Boris”)

“One-nation conservatism” seems to be a euphemism for moderate socialism


Everyone smart knew they didn’t “accidentally” vote leave, nor were they “tricked by lies.” They voted leave because they want to leave, period.

The authoritarian left just doesn’t want people to be able to have opinions other than their own; they can’t believe others could think differently, and want to stop it now. Anyhow, they lost again (just like they’ll lose in the US 2020).

On social media the bigots are still at it “I’ll defriend anyone who cheers the conservative win, how inhuman are you, you don’t even pretend to care about people suffering, bla bla bla.” Transparent authoritarianism and hatred of democracy.


Corbyn is a hypocrite and a cowardly, do-nothing politician. It is easy to criticize the state of the country and push a hardline left (or right) agenda when you have no credible chance at having to implement those plans. He’s held onto his seat provided that Labour was able to perform at least moderately well in elections. However, the latest, crushing defeat has finally given the party a reason to sack him.

Brexit is the product of the same spoofing fake threat politics. The conservatives like Nigel Farage and Boris threw out the referendum as a risky publicity stunt, but won the Leave outcome unexpectedly. Now, they are now forced to deal with having to put into action a complicated process that they initially thought had little chance of success. The country’s fate is now a victim of bad this political process.

Now with all this having been done, and under the assumption that withdrawing from Brexit is not an option, I do believe that Boris is an almost ideal selection for PM. He is enthusiastic enough to unite the party (something that Theresa May failed utterly in), and is crazy enough that everyone has to take his No Deal threat seriously. He gives the UK the best chance of restoring certainty and some of their national confidence - whatever is left of it.

^ The elitist view that the people don’t have any sense. Why even have voting then?

The UK regaining its sovereignty is what the people want, and it could very well end up being a great decision. The know-it-alls in the West don’t actually have a crystal ball, and have been wrong about everything for decades.