Hug your loved ones tonight

Just got home from a Philadelphia business trip and some gal had a stroke mid flight. Legit felt helpless as I sat there and watched tv on my smart phone while some lady was fighting for her life a row away.

she did live - I guess these things happen and there’s a strong chance of people living.

i wasn’t going to post about it, but, a month ago, on the same flight home fro Philly, the same thing happened. Another person had a stroke on that flight. So, I’m done with Pennsylvania for a while I think.

But damn. Call your parents, hug your children, just tell someone you love them this weekend. Never know when you or they’ll just leave.

Did people bust out their smart phones and start filming? Apparently that’s the thing to do nowadays. In my hometown there was a stabbing a while back and the first people on the scene started filming. Same thing when a motorcyclist was stuck underneath a car that ran over him.

It’s sad. You don’t need to watch Black Mirror to see such tech-related dystopia. It’s unfolding around us right now.

is it just me, but it feels gay to say i love you to anyone. i only say it to my fiance, baby nephew and niece, and it still rubs me as homo. like i haev never told my parents i love them. the most i’ve done was prolly tell them that you are a great mother, etc, and i appreciate everything you’ve done.

^toxic masculinity is a sign of closet beta, nerdy. Drive to bitcoins pad now, hug him tight for good 2 mins on arrival as soon as you see him, look him in the eyes and say ‘love u man’, then go. It will be a catartyc experience

Bruh, for real? Giving a fuck about what anyone thinks in life (especially if they think telling your parents you love them is gay) is so the opposite of alpha it’s not even funny. If you care, it’s beta.

Telling someone you love them is alpha as fuck bro.

im not at all saying that ur a homo or asking you to care about what i think. im just saying for me, it feels awkward to say. i was curious to hear if others felt the same.

real talk, if i tell my parents i love them, they might think something is wrong, like im suicidal or something. lol i’ll tell them that for shits and giggles.

holy shit they have a word for it. haha toxic masculinity. makes me laugh. that stuff is just how i was raised.

In psychology, toxic masculinity refers to traditional cultural masculine norms that can be harmful to men, women, and society overall; this concept of toxic masculinity is not intended to demonize men or male attributes, but rather to emphasize the harmful effects of conformity to certain traditional masculine ideal behaviors such as dominance, self-reliance, and competition.[6][7] Toxic masculinity is thus defined by adherence to traditional male gender roles that restrict the kinds of emotionsallowable for boys and men to express, including social expectations that men seek to be dominant (the “alpha male”) and limit their emotional range primarily to expressions of anger.[8] Some traditionally prescribed masculine behaviors can produce such harmful effects as violence (including sexual assault and domestic violence), promiscuity, risky and/or socially irresponsible behaviors including substance abuse, and dysfunction in relationships.[4][9]

In a gender studies context, Raewyn Connell refers to toxic practices that may arise out of what she terms hegemonic masculinity, rather than essential traits.[2] Connell argues that such practices, such as physical violence, may serve to reinforce men’s dominance over women in Western societies. She stresses that such practices are a salient feature of hegemonic masculinity, although not always the defining features.[2][10]

In a psychoanalytic context, Terry Kupers describes toxic masculinity as “the need to aggressively compete and dominate others”[11] and as “the constellation of socially regressive male traits that serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia and wanton violence”.[12][13] According to Kupers, toxic masculinity serves to outline aspects of hegemonic masculinity that are socially destructive, “such as misogyny, homophobia, greed, and violent domination”. He contrasts these traits with more positive aspects of hegemonic masculinity such as “pride in [one’s] ability to win at sports, to maintain solidarity with a friend, to succeed at work, or to provide for [one’s] family”.[12]

According to Kupers, toxic masculine norms are a feature of life for men in American prisons, where they are reflected in the behavior of both staff and inmates. The qualities of extreme self-reliance, domination of other men through violence, and avoiding the appearance of either femininity or weakness, comprise an unspoken code among prisoners.[14][15] Suppressing vulnerable emotions is often adopted in order to successfully cope with the harsh conditions of prison life, defined by punishment, social isolation, and aggression. These factors likely play a role in suicide among male prisoners.[14][16]

Toxic masculinity can also take the form of bullying of boys by their peers and domestic violence directed toward boys at home.[17] The often violent socialization of boys produces psychological trauma through the promotion of aggression and lack of interpersonal connection. Such trauma is often disregarded, such as in the saying “boys will be boys” with regard to bullying.[18] The promotion of idealized masculine roles emphasizing toughness, dominance, self-reliance, and the restriction of emotion can begin as early as infancy. Such norms are transmitted by parents, other male relatives, and members of the community.[4][19] Media representations of masculinity on websites such as YouTube often promote similar stereotypical gender roles.[19]

Feminist author John Stoltenberg has argued that all traditional notions of masculinity are toxic and ultimately reinforce the oppression of women.[20][21]

OK I don’t think anyone can define what toxic masculinity is. It is for sure related to the culture of the dude. There’s no universal law for masculinity. Some cultures view certain masculine traits as toxic while other cultures do not. I, for my part, will continue being a dude and will not care about all the weird new aspects of masculinity that the modern society wants to throw on me. End of rant.

I agree, but instead of bitcoins, I’d go with the Muslim religion and what it bestows on men. It’s the definition of toxic masculinity. As an expat, I have lived in france for a few years now and I can hardly believe how non-french this country has become…there are arabs everywhere and unlike other immigrants (asians, americans, latin americans etc etc), the muslim men seem to have incredible difficult to live in this society. Just few days ago, my gf was denied service in a “ghetto” bar as she was not accompanied by a male family member!

Guys guys guys… calm yourselves. It’s this simple

toxic masculinity: beating your wife

healthy masculinity: mowing your lawn and maintaining a yard that makes you look like a mother fucking boss. Holy shit, I just spent 5 hours working in my backyard. It looks great. The block is full of peasants that have yards that can’t compare. Serious. Why would anyone do drugs when you could just mow a lawn

If nobody films, that news would remain unknown. I guess that guy wanted to catch the stabber on a camera. What if nobody filmed and the criminal run away? Remember the United Airline incident with brutal passenger kick out? If nobody filmed it, we wouldn’t know how cruel the situation was. At least such people help spread the news and enable the society know the truth, and hence, the necessary actions will be taken, cause you know Mass Media tends to hide some unwanted details. You can avoid the same accident, if you are aware of details of such situations.

i film everything so my sc followers know that my life is lit. sometimes i call 911. like 1 time i saw a burning car. i totally filmed it then called 911. or when i see a drunk person aggresive during the day time. i report that shit. back then i can report homeless people, but now its so prevalent in cali that cops dont care as much. i saw this homeless dude taking a shit once. i was talking to my momma, and normally id report that shit, but it was funnier describing it to her. i also low key wanted to film it. i dunno i think its funny.

“In psychology, toxic masculinity refers to traditional cultural masculine norms that can be harmful to men, women, and society overall; this concept of toxic masculinity is not intended to demonize men or male attributes, but rather to emphasize the harmful effects of conformity to certain traditional masculine ideal behaviors such as dominance, self-reliance, and competition

Question: based on the definition of “toxic masculinity” described above, is it possible for someone to be an over assertive feminist to the point of being toxicly masculine? It’s probably possible to be feminist to the point that it is negative to “men, women, and society overall”, and “dominance, self-reliance, and competition” are characteristics that can be linked to extremely feminist behavior.

Also, I don’t think it is gay to hug or say you love your bros. You should say no homo though, in case the guy is confused by your erection.