ICE Arrests Hundreds in Mississippi Raids Targeting Immigrant Workers

Thank goodness we got these people out of those jobs!!! Now we can get all the Mississippi residents in there and working since they were all out of work and on welfare because of the illegal immigrants.

Federal agents raided several companies across Mississippi on Wednesday, rounding up hundreds of immigrant workers in what federal officials said might be the largest worksite enforcement action ever in a single state.

In a coordinated sting, more than 600 agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement showed up at the sites with federal warrants that allowed them to search the premises. About 680 immigrants who were believed to be working without legal documentation were apprehended and taken away on buses.

Lindsay Williams, a spokesman for the agency, said the federal agents executed the search warrants in conjunction with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Mississippi.

Three poultry plants that are owned and operated by Peco Foods in three towns, and a fourth run by Koch Foods, in Morton, Miss., were among the facilities raided on Wednesday.

i remember seeing a movie that was kind of like crash. where illegals came here to work in a slaughterhouse, i mean farm. the illegals in focus were these 2 hot latina sisters. supposedly therer was an immoral supervisor who would sexually harass and give preferential treatment to women that slept with him. he also gave them the ones he slept with drugs. anyways. 1 hot latina gave in to the supervisor, and the other sister did not, and the supervisor made it hard for the one that rejected her but she eventually moved up in life doing acct stuff. her sister though, became addicted to drugs, and foguht with her coworkers that slept with the supervior. her life was a mess.

movie was fast food nation.

also they arent hot. id say 6, to 75th percentileish.

Obama deported more people than Trump, why did the media choose to ignore and not report on these raids before?

We HAvE a CrIsIS oN OUr BorDeRS!!!6

Distressed child spending the night in a gym after her parents were taken away by an ICE raid in Mississippi

The pics of children are sad but if American parents committed a crime, the outcome would be the same. Why are they only focusing on the children of illegal immigrant criminals and not the children of American criminals? If you look at it rationally and not emotionally, the “journalism” reveals a very clear agenda

the apple does not fall far from tree! i’d be careful with them!

650 undocumented immigrants were employed there. It stands to reason that at least one and possibly multiple Americans committed 650 crimes. Must have missed the pics of Tanner and Brady and Jackson waiting for dad to come home.

Find it hard to believe there are no legal repercussions coming to those companies. Those people new the crime they were committing and the consequences, they’re adults. This is a very simple concept.

Everyone genuinely feels for the kids and the adults as well, this situation sucks. There are a myriad of policies in any given country that are very painful to enforce on a micro level but are required for the macro good, this is just one of them.

Lets just base national policies on who can produce the saddest picture and also assume if we didn’t see a photo of something randomly, it didn’t happen, really simplifies things.

Is this actually necessary for the macro good? Like, if you snapped your fingers and every undocumented worker in the US just f_u_cked off back to wherever they were born, would we be better or worse off as a country? Would the real Americans suddenly want to work picking produce and packing chicken and all the other shit jobs that we tend to use this sort of labor for? Because I’m not sure we would be. Once you unwind all the effects on wages and prices and all of it, I’m just not sure.

That’s not an argument for open borders, but enforcement action like the one mentioned here just doesn’t seem like it moves us any closer to anything. We inflict some pain on some brown people and we collect some fines from some big ag company but did anyone’s position in this world actually improve because some small towns in MS now have 600 minimum wage jobs to fill?

I don’t disagree with that take. I grew up in a small town that had a very large almost half migrant worker population with many of them illegal. I’m not advocating this is absolutely the best policy and I agree with most of your saying. I’m mostly just saying lets elevate the level of policy discussion on here to actually discussing policy. Not you specifically, just general statement.

As a caveat, I think that when you have companies flagrantly ignoring the laws (like 600+ illegal employees in one operation) you do need to at some point enforce them. You could argue that companies blatantly ignoring the system to cheat and gain cheaper labor hurts farmers and competitors that are trying to actually follow the law and pay minimum wage. My primary annoyance falls with these companies because they’re just trying to dodge fair wages and take advantage of people outside the protection of the law.

Personally to me, better enforcement would be shutting companies like this down or hitting them with a fine large enough to make an example out of them and potentially bankrupt them. I agree that’s a better way to target the flagrant violators than going after migrant families.

For companies who hire illegals. It’s only a fine. Up to 10k per employee. Anyways I am In favor of open borders. I think we should flood the gates with cheap labor so I can afford a maid and a driver. And blue collar are really blue collar. But alas this is not the case. We have laws. These people violated them. They are criminals. And the punishment is deportation. Why should we allow criminals to have similar rights as citizens. It’s preposterous. If we allow them to stay here with impudence and become us citizens, they will be a future liability when they grow old.

You don’t make a great country by taking in food pickers and maids and giving them citizenship to benefit off our social security and Medicare. You do it by draining the best minds of the world and attracting extremely productive positive npv individuals that become loyal to us.

its reminds me of the case of prostitution. Who do we arrest? The dudes? The women? Who truly is the victim?

They either need to close the plant and move it to Mexico or allow Mexican and Central American citizens to work there legally. Can’t have it both ways. No chance you’re going to get 650 American workers to slaughter chickens all day.

Shame. This raid is pointless.

wait why? is chicken some kind of holy animal? i love friend chicken. i love eggs. i dont mind killing them.