Nashville school bans Harry Potter books

You can’t make this shit up.

“He noted that he consulted with several exorcists before making the decision.”

Good for them, no need for books when there are movies available

^my man!

reading is lame af

Harry Potter has been targeted for a while by religious groups due to the witchcraft theme. I got some pamphlets like 10-15 years ago which denounced Harry Potter.

I have a couple in-laws that are uber Catholic and they truly believe Harry Potter books are evil. Well, not like the Necronomicon from Evil Dead type of evil. They believe kids that read the book will be not only turned away from Christianity, but go full pagan.

It baffles me. They’re otherwise pretty normal people.

thats weird. im uber catholic and have read all the books. dont see the issue, unless these foos just never read the book. there was no religious thing and it was portrayed as fiction. anyways they also told me not to read the da vinci code and i did it anyway as i liked to read popular books. now that one is really satans work. dan brown is definitely going to hell for his blasphemy. assuming hell exists taht is.

Of course they haven’t read the books. Objectivity isn’t their strong suit.

I’m a pretty conservative Christian and I don’t see what the fuss is all about. It’s not any worse than The Chronicles of Narnia. (From what I can tell. I haven’t read HP and probably never will.).

You should give them a read. They’re really well done and entertaining. I like them much better than The Chronicles of Narnia (which I actually really disliked after the first book).

I have the box set at home, waiting to read them with the kids when they’re older.

^Which one? HP or CoN?

And I agree with Sweep–CoN went downhill after the first book.

But it’s nothing against HP, I just don’t really like fiction. I haven’t enjoyed it in a while, but LOTR ruined it for me completely.


I just got around to reading the article posted. Imagine believing that a series of fantasy novels written in modern times contains the blueprint for actual magic. I mean, that would obviously be awesome and I’d be working towards mage status asap, but it seems pretty unlikely. Catholics and their mysticism.

“These books present magic as both good and evil, which is not true, but in fact a clever deception. The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text,” the email states.

its definitely fake. i tried casting crucio a lot to no avail.

i heard dumbledore is a gay. but now maybe a bi? also abra kadabra is a pokemon.

When I hear Harry Potter I remember all the scenes from yes man

I’d love to spend a few weeks with a family/community that is so out there that they believe in this kind of stuff. The fact that people like this exist in an industrialized country baffles me.