Bat soup

Reminds me of something they’d serve in Indiana Jones-Temple of Doom. Mmmmmmm…

That just looks unpleasant…

. . . especially for the bat.

But I ordered the marsoupial!

When I went to China, I went to one of those herbal stores and they had on display a full on dried tiger dick in a glass case. Like it was their master item or something. Knowing China though, I bet it was from a cow or something. Maybe if I go back, I will buy it as a wedding present for Nery.

if you eat it, will it make your dick bigger?

Do you want coronavirus? Because this is how you get coronavirus.

Cow is delicious.

Guys, let’s try not to yuck somebody’s yum. Some people think bat is where it’s at and that is that.

oh shit i dont want to die, i dont want corona, but real talk will i die with a big dick.

“Dog and cat meat is so beta…”

One of the WC’s best threads

I chickened out on balut. So don’t feel too bad.

Shake Shack < Snake Shack

Saw a funny line graph – had corona virus line going up, and yellow fever going down.