3 for 3 club: who made it

June 17 Club, where y’all at!?

Haha, been waiting a long time for that one. Congrats to all the new Charterholders out there!

I’m at PwC right now… just checked my results right after my interview haha…

I took level 2 twice, therefore I am more experienced at DCF and can guarantee returns superior to you “one and done” level 2 takers.

How did your interview go? Are you pissed you couldn’t claim superior returns during the interview? A real BSD would haave postponed the interview in order to claim superior returns in all market conditions!

Entered in June 17’ but yeah, completed level’s I, II, & III in 17’, 18’, & 19’ respectively.

Now I just need to wait one more year to complete the 48 months of required work experience… *sigh*

On a side note; should I begin to apply for membership now? Or should I wait until I get closer to completing the work experience portion?

No hating the club. There are many in your club too… however, you cannot guarantee superior returns… Nothing wrong with that! :smiling_imp:

Hi there, 3/3 and 2/2 here~ happy to join the club!

I must admit, I am jealous of this club. Just not today. I find it hard to believe your mood beats the L3 2x “we regret to inform you” club right now :wink:

mad love for you 125/CEO10k/magician, thank you for all your contributions to this amazing forum.

One and done x 3

2016, 2018, and 2019

Checking in! June '17!

So… anyone up for FRM? Anyone wanna try to go for a 5/5?

Wherefrom are all these 3/3 people coming from ?! I see a lot of <10 AF pointers here. Have you guys been lurking and judging the community for the past 3 years? Shame on you

I stand corrected. I was way over the 90% mark on L2 and L3.

This has definitely crossed my mind but not sure yet

I’m done studying… i have no need for any other letters…

my wife’s friend’s husband is a CFA charterholder and he was studying for their alternative investment tests… apparently he was studying a lot too… Anything CFA puts out requires many hundreds of hours of studying!

Already did! Starting Dec 2017.

Made it in the club and no way, I’m done!

I got the job… but tried to claim superior returns after by showing my results to one of the managers who was on the panel haha

Yes we’ve been hiding haha… monitoring proceedings behind the scenes