46 hours left !! Are you ready?

Little lesser than six…


1 hr left

Ready? What do you mean, don’t these guys take like 2199 AD to release the results and that too on the midnight of next day?

^^3 hours left

I wish it was still the good old times when you could down shots of whisky at the office. This last hours’ waiting is pure medieval torture.

I expect in 20-30 minutes they will release the pass rates

  1. .

Yeah, if this year is anything like last year, I still have approx. 6-7 hours to go before I get my results.

Best of luck, people.

Haha. I remember last year. Results should come out 11pm and game through at 6am. i stayed up till 2 lying in bed refreshing my email.

Good luck everyone

It would be interesting to know the overall pass rate and the pass rate for candidates who are active on AF.

Yes I really wish there was a poll function the mods could run. All these peeps and yet no one is using us

I am gonna check it tomorrow morning. I will either be too exited or too disappointed when the email turns up around mid-night and neither will help me sleep tonight…so good luck guys!

94 glorious minutes

I’m clenching my butthole harder than a prostitute can suck herself to your wallet…

Good luck everyone! May your results not be delayed until 3:45pm EST like what happened to me (and lots of others) last year.

strong first post there pal

June results are bound to be delayed. Only the ones out in January for the attempt in December comes out ASAP.

Hoping the best for y’all today!