7 Questions - 2009-05-07

Lets get the answers : ]

Calling Bankin’ out…

You guys are ruthless, I’ll post them in the next few hours… Or will I? BWAHAHA!!!

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.B

ruckmani has no A’s and I have no C’s.

cfasf1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > CCBBBAB > > fine, edit – i’ll go vertical. > > C > C > B > B > B > A > B Sweep! 1. Your answer: A was incorrect. The correct answer was C) In neither the seed nor start-up point. The stages through which private companies pass are the early-stage, later-stage, and exit stages. The early stage consists of i) seed: the small amount of money provided by the entrepreneur to get the idea off the ground, ii) start-up: usually a pre-revenue stage that brings the entrepreneur’s idea to commercialization, iii) first stage: additional funds if the idea is sound but start-up funds have run out. The later-stage occurs after revenue has started. This question tested from Session 13, Reading 37, LOS h 2. Your answer: B was incorrect. The correct answer was C) Electronic crossing networks. In an electronic crossing network, orders are executed at the average of the bid and ask quotes. Prices do not adjust based on supply and demand. This question tested from Session 16, Reading 45, LOS a 3. Your answer: B was correct! Decreasing the percentage of pension assets invested in equities will decrease the risk of the pension assets decreasing the overall total asset beta. To maintain the same equity beta there must be an increase in risk in the overall capital structure of the firm which would be accomplished by using more debt financing and decreasing the amount of equity capital. This question tested from Session 5, Reading 22, LOS c 4. Your answer: A was incorrect. The correct answer was B) The security market line (SML) represents an active investment strategy when Jensen’s Alpha is used as the measure for portfolio performance. The SML is a passive strategy in that the investor invests in a combination of the market portfolio and the risk free asset. Jensen’s Alpha measures the value added return due to active management. This question tested from Session 17, Reading 47, LOS p 5. Your answer: C was incorrect. The correct answer was B) macro evaluation is an incremental approach and micro evaluation focuses on deviations from benchmarks. This is the most correct statement. The macro evaluation looks at the beginning and ending values of the entire fund and attributes the return contributed at each level of decision making. Micro evaluation looks at individual portfolios and tries to explain its return with respect to its deviation from a benchmark. This question tested from Session 17, Reading 47, LOS l, (Part 1) 6. Your answer: B was incorrect. The correct answer was A) Yes, because he undertook an independent practice that could result in compensation or other benefit to him. Standard IV(A) does not preclude providing independent services for compensation while still employed; however, notification to the employer is required describing the type of service, the expected duration, and the compensation. Compensation includes more than just monetary benefits. This question tested from Session 1, Reading 2-IV, LOS A 7. Question 41 - #93093 Your answer: A was incorrect. The correct answer was B) early in the day and attempts to minimize opportunity costs. Implementation shortfall strategies trade heavier early in the day to ensure order completion, reduce opportunity costs, and minimize the volatility of trading costs. This question tested from Session 16, Reading 45, LOS l

Oh yeahhh! 100% : )

i’ll need that kind of luck in june…

No, no luck good sir. That’s skillz ; )

You are the man Philly Banker, assuming that is, you are NOT an Eagles fan.

not you, philly. me. there was some luck involved with me. i never even get close to a full sweep on bankin’s question sets.

Jimmy Rollins was my high school baseball teammate. true story. so i’m a philly fan.

5 out of 7.

I still don’t see how a Limit order is going to have a price impact. If I’m long a security trading at $45 and I have limit order to sell at $50. The order won’t execute until it hits $50 and if it falls below $50 it will stop executing. I suppose if you have a large position and you set put a limit sell order for less than the current price in order to stop trading when it reaches that price you could calculate a price impact, but I’ve never seen limit orders used that way in my personal experience. Also, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I constantly have friends and family ask me to look at their 401k. I generally turn them down, but if I help out my parents or best friend that shouldn’t be a violation IMO. Perhaps I’ll write CFAI and ask that they change their stance on said matter. :slight_smile:

I hate the Eagles in fact. I just moved to NYC from Philly about a month ago. You can never have a social setting involving beer in Philly without a spontaneous eruption of E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!! It’s like come on people, don’t you have something more to contribute? Plusses and minuses. I like Philly alot, it’s the underdog town, a little grimy. NYC is too polished for my tastes, these homless people here are tame compared to philly homeless.

PhillyBanker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I hate the Eagles in fact. I just moved to NYC > from Philly about a month ago. You can never have > a social setting involving beer in Philly without > a spontaneous eruption of E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!! > > > It’s like come on people, don’t you have something > more to contribute? > > Plusses and minuses. I like Philly alot, it’s the > underdog town, a little grimy. NYC is too polished > for my tastes, these homless people here are tame > compared to philly homeless. Nothing sucks more than a tame hobo. :slight_smile:

6 for 7!

dubbs you rocked it - 5 of 7 for me. You’re ready for the sample exam this saturday.

Had I gone 8 for 7 I would have been ready.

ilvino Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > dubbs you rocked it - 5 of 7 for me. You’re ready > for the sample exam this saturday. why do you call mwvt dubbs?