AF name game

^ At least you spelled it backwards to retain your anonymity, well until now.

Image result for Cletus

Gringo? Did your parents not like you or something?

wouldn’t it be interesting if the matt in question was not me. maybe the matt is question is matt damon.

Matt Damon

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If I was famous, I would post using my real name, and people will just assume that it is some random guy calling himself “Channing Tatum” for fun. Then, if they find out, it will blow their minds.

Well, as we know from Behind the Candelabra, Matt Damon does like anal.

some more:

numi - mike or shlomo

viceroy - leroy

infintibenzo - todd

bs - dylan

hashtag = #jack dorsey

mailsnoop - nguyen

ft - brandon

goab - mordecai

turd - agnus

pokhim - kerpal

itera - wendy

Ryan Gosling Approves

Image result for thank you thank you very much

Pure alpha - ching hung wong tsang nguyen

Isaiah - Chad (about 80% certain on this one, other 20% is on steve)

KMD - isabella (or frank)

yayyywork - mike

igor - steve

black swan - nathan

turd - big boy al

sweep the leg - martin (or basil) pemberton (or chesterton) the 3rd - aki

comp sci kid - jonathan

We do?!?

So what is your first name, kr? We’re all dying to know.

I take it you’ve not seen the HBO movie.

Nahh… Too much downside with very little upside.

Plus a bunch of people already call me kr in real life - you are not missing much :slight_smile:

Kelly Ripa??

hi Kristina!

Nope. Which one?

Common Ohai! Don’t hate me like that

Behind the Candelabra