Almost a week to go!

Per 300hours email this am, looks like CFAI is changing the results email -

Recently, CFA Institute has again changed the results format, with only a pass/fail grade sent to the email address you registered with CFA Institute on results day, and additional details published online the following day.

​The results email is now a lot shorter than what it used to be:

You passed / did not pass the June/December 20XX Level X CFA exam. The pass rate for June/December 20XX Level X was XX%. If you have questions or comments, please contact us.

I prefer studying for the exam than waiting for the results… this is insane

Failure is the pillar of success.


Excuse me, there are ladies too

Hi Jolie

Hi, everyone.

I’ve just looked into the CFA Level I branch, and I can say that the folks here are far down in the dumps. Our younger colleagues feel way more optimistic and positive. They don’t just sit and count days, they are simply living their lives. :-))))))))

Of course they’re optimistic - the level 1 exam is… well… ‘cute’.


You’ve made my day!

Based on the picture, level II is the most horrible for me :).

Somebody much more tech savy than me needs to put something like this together for personal hygiene the week before taking the exam. I’ve only taken level 1 and 2 but i had pimples on my face after taking level 2 due to grease face/stress. not the case for level 1.

Yes it happened with my L1 results in December, 2016.

However, I thought that it was one off event and full result should be available from next time as was the case earlier. Not sure though.

Those four letter words matter (and not the full result) to calm our anxiety.

I’m not happy about this. I will want to know instantly why I failed, I just CANNOT wait another day.

Maybe I won’t check my email on the 25th and wait until the next day when I can see the results breakdown? Hmm.

3 days to go !!.The only think freaking me out is the kind of score Matrix some Level II Candidates have failed with.This wait is killing.

I won’t care about not seeing the matrix on Tuesday if I pass. If I fail though, I will be pretty unhappy that I can’t see what topics cost me. :frowning:

Overall this time I performed much better than last time (when I failed band 8). I more likely passed than failed and if failed - most likely failed in band 8-10.

I performed particularly poorly in derivatives and to lesser extent in FI and PM. I spent June and July rereading Derivatives sections in Schweser and Curriculum. If a fail, I will continue FI (which is anyway important part of level III). Self-respect will suffer.

If I passed, I don’t see any joy inside of me. I already have a pile of level III materials in stock and idea of a study plan. More problems would be with constructing study plan for third time resit of level II.

Sometimes wrongfully drawn conclusions ruin all your future plans.



As a follow up note, the email change hasn’t been confirmed by CFAI. I asked 300hours about where they obtained that information and they based it solely on the Level 1 Dec 2016 result distributions - which I guess were a disaster and CFAI had technical issues. We’ll see what happens tomorrow. I’d imagine they provide the breakdown so they don’t have everyone trying to login at once.

The CFA website says:

  • June 2017 Levels I and II exam results (pass/fail only) will be emailed 25 July, after 9:00 a.m. ET. Level III results will be emailed in early August.

We’ll have to wait until the 27th to get the full breakdown.

Where does your deduction of the 27th come from on this page ?