Although we've come to the end of the road Still I can't let go It's unnatural! proposing next week.

5k a year for combined finances? What’s this supposed to cover?

Make sure that when pregnant the eggs are kept between 90-93 degrees to ensure the offspring is male.

I wonder what happens to assets, spousal/child support for residents of CA if you have a baby moma then things don’t work out and the couple splits versus a married couple.

haha that’s 2.5k per month. so 60k per year. should cover everything. if not we can adjust higher. i am going to drop 10k at start. and essentially we’ll try not to go below that.

There is nothing wrong with social grinding when practiced in moderation. Just be sure to document the angle of attack and oscillation frequency that are acceptable, and consider including these definitions in the pre nup in case there is a future dispute regarding initial terms of contract.

Gs elevator

People who get engaged on Valentine’s Day don’t need a prenup. He can keep his Xbox and cargo short collection, and she can keep the Jared ring and her shitty Instagram drop shipping business.

Here’s your cynical guide to V-Day:

I love how Nerdy laid out all his demands over the past year and then got none of them. So beta…

Lol. But most of my demands are pretty alpha to begin with. Most dudes from my convos with randoms are pretty beta. Many are shocked with what I get away with!

and who knows maybe in the future it can all change like how when warren buffet separated with his wife and went with a side piece. That was a very happy ending!

Dude, if your not ready to get married then I wouldn’t do it just because she’s pressing you to. Work your magic. Just be like " baby you know I love you and I want to have kids blah blah blah, and I want the time to be right for us to start our future together". And whatever else you think she wants to hear. You should want to get married.

Nery, are you concerned about the testosterone drop after you get married? What if you become a complete beta after your male essence decreases?

nah man. cant happen. im pure alpha!

also all jokes aside. i dont think testosterone is how you define alphaness. just because you can lift more or beat up a person does not make you alpha. alpha is about having influence and control. for example i am not the most athlehic person among my peers, i also dont pull the most women, or have the most money. but i am probably one of the most admired and my opinion typically carries a lot of weight.

i think im admired cuz im awesome. im pretty above average in everything. im also a know it all, which can be annoying to older people but respected among contemporaries. i know myself extremely well and am kind of open and content about it. lastly i am open to a change in behavior but it usually requires a lot of thots, work, and research!

personally when i think of things i admire. it is often people who are genuine dorks. i think i admire that because they accept themselves even if they have a lot of defects. these types of people tend to have a lot of fucking money which is why they dont care about your opinion.

Who keeps downvoting nerdy? All his posts have 1 downvote. Fess up

The downvote attacks on dear Nery are unconscionable. We must be tankful to receive the teachings of such an alpha role model. I have benefited greatly from the amazing financial knowledge and respect for women that I learned from Nery.

Ima stick with “Ay, mijo!!” memes, thank you very much!

no prob drake would say,

That’s why I never ask for helpI’ll do it for you niggas and do it for myself

I go 0 to 100, nigga, real quick Real quick, whole squad on that real shit

She said yes! fam. it was beautiful but i botched it so much.

  1. it rained 2 hrs before

  2. it was super windy

  3. it was super cold

  4. i walked passed the heart shaped candles they did

  5. the flower petals they set up flew away.

  6. i parked far from where they were.

  7. i put the ring in the wrong hand/finger. twice

  8. i did not read my poem.

  9. i was only down for like a second (she said yes immediately)

  10. she was wearing my grey sweater cuz it was cold.

lastly when i held that damn ring box. the ring was not at the base but was like sideways. friggin hilarious! glad its over!

anyways on fb it looks amazing. the sunset with bird flying. we also did a lot of posting after. so you couldnt tell how much i botched it up!

Congratulations!!! I hope you kids are very happy together!!!

N.B.: We don’t hold you accountable for the weather, nephew!! :wink:

nailed it

Congratulations, Nery. Don’t worry. When you are a fat married beta guy shopping for Sophie the giraffe, I’ll still subscribe to your podcast.