Am I the only person to think QM is a pain in the...

Sad to know the result friend… But IMHO, quants definitely doesnt warrant three revisions. NOT because its way too easy, but as you rightly said in the end - because of the weightage it has. I got a 50-70 in this. I think I messed with two questions and I knew it the moment I stepped outside the hall :S

The whole point with this subject is to read a nice summary couple of times and then go ahead do EOC questions. This subject doesnt warrant more than 15 hours of preps IMHO…

Mostly likely you are not going to get more than a vignette from Quants anyway!! So honest suggestion, spend your time productively on other “heavy” topics like FRA, Ethics, Corp Fin, Equity or Fixed Income…

All the best!

@Sooraj: Yes i agree. Highly weighted subjects (FRA and Equity) + Ethics should be given absolutely more importance in terms of time and practice. They can make all the difference between a fail and a pass!

I find Quant and Equity to be the two more useful (useful in the sense that it is good knowledge to have for future application) sections of the Level 2 exam. Just for that, I would learn them well. In my view, if you are involved with asset management, you should know the level 2 quant material. It’s core. The same cannot be said of some other parts of the level 2 curriculum.

Absolutely hated CFAI’s presentation for both L2 and L1. Spent months trying to bone up on it and I still got <50 on the exam. It took for fucking ever to get my head around an F test.

What helps:

  • Bionic Turlle (free)
  • Khan Academy (free)
  • Intermediate Statistics for Dummies (really!)

I agree with the above post on Bionic turtle, his free videos on youtube are really useful. David Harper is yet another Peter Olinto :slight_smile:

I was completely lost when I read quant. Took about 50+ read throughs before everything clicked. Anyway, I wouldn’t spend all too much time on this section because it typically only respresents about 6 questions on the exam. Your time is def better spent on the larger topics, Accounting/Equity/Corp Finance, basically every other section but Quant lol