Anyone Know of a Good Book on Global Warming??

The amount of land for solar panels alone to power the USA or the world for that matter is surprisingly not that large. With the rate of innovation in technology the required space will get even smaller.

Would love more nuclear plants in America, sadly its a case of the NIMBY’s and it never gets done.

People seem to think there is this binary decision of a perfect future where we allow business to create the world of our dreams, or this dystopian government regulated wasteland. Things aren’t black & white, it is all shades of grey (apparently there are 50 of them based on this documentary I just saw) Obviously no one expects the US to be fully switched off of fossil fuels for a long long time, but that does not mean we can not nudge things in the right direction and get the ball rolling.

It won’t matter because in hundreds of years when it’s too late the same people denying climate change will just blame it on gay marriage and people not praying enough.

Take a test… And some books. I haven’t read any of them. Could all be crap.

do folks with kids have stronger views on global warming?

Can’t imagine the fear mongering warming zealots giving two hoots about the economic security of anybody else’s children. Maybe their own, but that might be stretch.

Lol so the fear mongering warming zealots are “taking the economic security” of everyone’s children by reallocating a tiny portion of economic output? Get a handle on realty. I’ve said it several times on here. This is a classic example of Pascal’s wager. If it is real, and we do something we may stand a chance, if it is real and we do nothing we stand less of a chance. If it is not real and we do nothing, we get a marginally more efficient use of current resources. If it is not real and we do something we get a marginally less efficient use of a portion of our resources. It just seems like the risk reward is tipped rather heavily towards doing something. Acting like trying to watch our carbon output is people being selfish and not caring about other people’s children is ridiculous and you know what a ridiculous statement that is

Dont have time to read those books on that wonderful site, but if you name a site or something similar it’s 90% of the time some moron making a cheap site out of their parents basement

What effect does the cost of energy have to with the well being of most of the children of the World? Even Bill Gates, a AGW believer, doesn’t disagree the children of India will be better off if their coal revolution continues. Do you read much? He doesn’t think we have a moral argument to stop it given the benefits the west has received from fossil fuels.

Why do you try to discredit people rather than ideas? Are you just lazy, bigoted, or just short on horsepower?

I agree its hard for advanced economies to have much say to a country like India on those things. India should continue to use these until more advanced economies can make a cost effective replacement.

What I am saying is that in places like the US/Europe/Canada the costs of slowly replacing fossil fuels over long time scales are small. Its not like the US is going to collapse and we will go back to the stone age if we set goals for slowly increase our renewable energy. Obviously if one doesnt believe climate change is a thing its hard to get them to believe any cost is acceptable, and you have never conceded any point no matter how small to anyone on this board about anything, so its not like I would expect someone like you to understand.

Sourcing of information is important. Many of the conspiracy sites distributing fake information are worded quite well by people who know how to speak. That does not make the information they presented more truthful, nor does it mean they didnt cherry pick data points. similarly to some of the climate scientists who announced important discoveries using cherry picked data, that is not real science.

If your political leanings lead you to think a scientific issue is pure bs…it’s probably time you reconsider a few things

we dead

Like cavities, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke, heart attack, obesity, mental illness, decreasing cranial capacity, and eventually extinction.

Go industry, let’s maximize profits. yes

I’m following this thread in the hopes of seeing all the CFA curriculum cognitive and behavioral biases depicted in the commentary

As the father of a young daughter, I would like the world any of her grandchildren grow up in to resemble the world I grew up in. I cannot imagine what could be more “conservative,” in the true sense of that word.