Are we safe?

I think your tin foil hat needs adjusting.

No one is safe. No one.



I was scared when I saw my Linkedin profile was viewed by someone with PCP behind her name.

It turned out she is a certified Payroll Compliance Practitioner.

^ Close call.

huh. maybe I should change my linkedin to:

Itera, CFA PCP Investigator

and then message every CFA candidate I see. It’ll be hilarous…

Most unfunny comment in AF history angry

Lol do it! It would actually be pretty funny. Putting CFA candidate on your linkedin is pretty stupid I say(mostly level’s 1 & 2 candidacy), so go ahead. I’ve seen “Level I candidate” on some profiles and just cringed.


If you’re job hunting, for specific jobs they require CFA or at least want to see that your perusing it… putting it in your profile or resume is fine.

As soon as the results are released, I will register for Level 3 and put Level 3 candidate on my resume.

I know people who claim they are Level 3 candidates even though they are not enrolled.

I know people who have jaywalked, but I’ll never tell.

I get you but to be honest, I don’t think they care at the early stage. Level I candidate just means you sucessfully paid for the test and Level II candidate just means you’ve passed the easy(relatively) first exam. Now, level III candidacy on the other hand would carry some weight so let’s hope we passed that sh!t.

Hi all

New to the forum here, and never realised that you might get investigation letter weeks after the actual exam. I always thought that if we are in trouble the proctor would have taken note on the exam day and we would know on the spot, not weeks later?

I am sure I am fine, but if I have received the “CFA Program Next Steps” email, does it mean I should be ok?


^ Yes, don’t be paranoid.

Thanks ft!

Never checked this website until I have attempted all 3 levels now! Looks like a fun forum until I saw this thread and some other threads in level 3 about PCP investigation.

^ That’s like not wanting to fly anymore because you heard a separatist group somewhere gunned down a commercial airplane.

Now you all* are surely safe from PCP.

*CFAL1 /L2 candidates

DP. See below