Argentinan Peso and Dollar Arbitrage

Born and raised during part of my childhood, then moved to Mexico until my career took me to Switzerland, the US for business school, and more recently to Quebec. All my family is still there.

Argentina is a nice country to live in, especially for people who are reasonably covered against the shaky economy. People who make enough money there or make it somewhere else have a lifestyle that’s hard to beat. I’m trying to do just that. My goal is to be in semi-retired mode in about four years. I’m still undecided though if I’m going to live in Argentina or the region of Mexico that doesn’t have drug-related violence, which also is a very attractive place to live in if you’re not dependent on the local economy. If things go as planned, most of my income will come from a few RE deals located in the US, so Mexico has an advantage in terms of location. However If I figure a number of things out I’ll manage my stuff from near Buenos Aires. Will see how things play out.

Wait, you live in Canada? Mind blown…

^ Yeah, for over a year now. I travel to Mexico like 30% of the time though. It’s killing me at times.

^ For future reference, which racial slur would be appropriate for you? Wet back?

If he’s argentinan, call him a guido or a guinea. It turns out that argentinans are more Italian than Spanish. This definitely helps the food be even better there.

The girls have giant bombs and tiny a$$e$. Complete inverse of Brazil.

Yeah, yeah you got me, stormy: I flip burgers and wash dishes for $5 an hour and my kids eat every other day. Sometimes twice in a row if I can get enough leftovers.

Is that what you think of Wet backs? You must be a “white” hispanic looking down on the brown locals…VIVA CHAVEZ!!!

Someone needs to breed the 2 like puppies…

We’d end up with some flat chested girls with ABD (Asian Booty Disease), those we can send to schools to learn to cook and clean.

But we’d also get some genetic gold mines 42-24-42. Im talk’n curves for days

I’m all in favor of Eugenics when it involves breeding hot chicks.

You must be in Quebec for the women. I wonder if wifey sees through your plan.

The epihet I use for Argentinos is “cucarachas,” but I like IEV too much to ever call him that. Actually, I like most Argentinos I’ve met. Argentinas even more. It’s only when they play Brazil in fut(e)bol that I ever get tempted to pull out any epithets.

And I thought this day would never come…B chad the word is epithet…BOOYAA!

OMG, you discovered a typo on the Internet! Well done! You must get up very early in the morning.

Dude chickentikka, I devised a plan for this triangular arbitrage and wanted to share with you in email. Could you tell me yours or email me at Cheers

Are you a nigerian prince?

Possibly but I will make it worthy while for you.