Band 10 - thoughts?



Max Pts




Alternative Investments



Corporate Finance









Equity Investments



Ethical & Professional Standards



Financial Reporting & Analysis



Fixed Income Investments



Portfolio Management



Quantitative Methods



We have divided the group of candidates who did not pass into 10 approximately equal score bands. Your score band below shows how your overall score on the exam compares with the overall scores of candidates who did not pass this exam. Your score band: 10

I feel devasted as this was my 2nd attempt. Is it worth going for retabulation? What is the procedure that is followed in retabulation? pls help



Max Pts




Alternative Investments



Corporate Finance









Equity Investments



Ethical & Professional Standards



Financial Reporting & Analysis



Fixed Income Investments



Portfolio Management



Quantitative Methods



We have divided the group of candidates who did not pass into 10 approximately equal score bands. Your score band below shows how your overall score on the exam compares with the overall scores of candidates who did not pass this exam. Your score band: 10

I feel devasted as this was my 2nd attempt. Is it worth going for retabulation? What is the procedure that is followed in retabulation? pls help

I was supposed to pass this exam .

Inspite of scoring >70 in heavy weights Equity , FRA & Corp Finance i’m shocked to see the result.

Failed : Band 10

I dont bieleve this!! Ethics can ruin me so badly.

Alternative Investments18 – – *

Corporate Finance36 – – *

Derivatives – * –

Economics18 – * –

Equity Investments72 — – *

Ethical & Professional Standards36 * – –

Financial Reporting & Analysis72 – – *

Fixed Income Investments36 – * –

Portfolio Management18 * – –

-Quantitative Methods18 * – –

Went from a band 2 last year to a band 9 this year. Improvement, but gutted like a fish nonetheless…

I am also a band 10.

AI _*_

CorpFin _*_

Deriv _*_

Econ _*_

Equit _ _ *

Ethics * _ _

FRA _*_

FI _ _ *

Port Mgmt _ * _

Quant _ * _

Does anyone know of a situation where they reversed their decision? Please advise. I also think its$100 to get it re-calculated and I am going to Vegas in 2 weeks and I will just bring $1400 to gamble with instead of $1500.

I was band 3 in 2010, which still sickens me to think I probably did worse than making zig zags on the answer sheet, but in any case I bounced back and passed last year, now waiting for L3 results.

The two changes I made for 2011 were an actual study log, so that I had to put a big zero in a spreadsheet if I missed a day. You also plan your days off ahead (travel, weddings, opening day, whatever) so I didn’t feel guilty when missing a planned day but also didn’t let it turn into three missed days. And as a number of people already said, I pounded the big areas of equity and FRA. Would not move past them on the first pass unless I had an ok understanding of them. That requires having enough time to be thorough. Went from <50% in both to >70% in equity and 50-70 in FRA. Also was >70% in ethics, which may have helped.

Certainly frustrating for band 10, but that means you’re pretty damn close. Enjoy your summer, then revisit in Jan. Maybe start by taking stock of this year’s practice exams and your actual results and just drill into them. GL!

I failed in band 10 a few years ago and I decided to throw away $100 for a retabulation even though I knew the odds of passing were virtually nill. Keep in mind that the biggest investment isn’t the materials/registration, it’s your time. So go ahead just for the heck of it but keep in mind that somehow the machine reading your answer sheet had to have made some sort of mistake.

FYI, the retabulation didn’t change my band 10.

It’s all about Ethics. Notice the Band 10 guys generally got <70% on Ethics while others passed with seemingly worse scores but they did well in Ethics. CFAI has openly stated Ethics is a tiebreaker. FSA may be the biggest section, but Ethics is the most important.

I focused a significant amount more of my attention on CFAI EOC questions and made a customized set of note cards for formulas and some concepts. I also took the CFAI mock exams for past years multiple times. While I used Schweser, much less focus was put on their EOC questions as I found them to be too simple.