Best book you've read this year

Not like American Psycho. Less than Zero is intense. Rules of Attraction really isn’t worth reading. There are better books out there.

i bet a bunch of mass killers feel like strangers, but i dont think having a strange philosophy makes you a killer. i think 1 can be apathetic and not necessarily be a killer.what i dont understand is, if you are apathetic, why cant you just pretend then that you have feelings of remorse to get a lighter sentence.

i am also a big fan of ostracizing people that diverge. its how i do extremely well in multiple choice test. that song from sesame street always come to mind!

This is a good choice, I actually bought this book a few months ago but haven’t gotten to it yet.

Hmmm… yea, not really looking for intense at the moment. Who has a good, but maybe on the lighter/ satirical side recommendation?

I’m a pretty big HP Lovecraft fan. Had to go back and review that opening. Lol…could be Turd’s calling card. :grin:

We read Camus’ “La Peste” in the original French for high school French. I wanted to set my hair on fire. :broken_heart: :-1: :sob:

I am halfway through “The Power Broker” . The book is more than 1200 pages long and pretty dense.

I just started reading a book KMD recommended: “How bad do you want it.” (by Matt Fitzgerald)

Yeaaa, glad you are reading it! Now, I have a complimentary recommendation. By the same author, “80/20”, about how 80% of the endurance athletes training should be low intensity and 20% high intensity… stay away from moderate intensity! The first book got me so pumped up to “mentally prepare” for my races I started pushing the pace on long runs and conditioning workouts when they should be low intensity. Now I am battling my second cold of the summer and my performance numbers are starting to stagnate. Hopefully I am catching myself early enough to get back on track!