Best books to read?

Liar’s Poker Black Swan The Big Short My life as a Quant Confessions of a Street Addict (Before Jim Cramer went all show-businessy and this is more of a bio) Buffett - making of an american capitalist (bio but there are investing lessons too) Financial Crisis, Contagion and Containment (more academic + economics) Magazine: World Finance - really interesting, especially if you are into banking Free: Financial Crisis Inquiry report - trust me this is a very good read, even if it does come from the governement

The Fountainhead Atlas Shrugged Predator’s Ball

Here’s a blog I enjoyed reading: Also I just heard a plug for Advisors at Risk, Ellen Bessner. Talks about how some advisors get hit hard with lawsuits for some unintentional misconduct.

#1 choice: Sex for Dummies, by DSK Secondary choices: Bust: Greece, the Euro, and the Sovereign Debt Crisis - Matthew Lynn Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand The Money Illusion - Irving Fischer Mr. Market Miscalculates - James Grant

The Big Short is great!