Buffett's plan to fix income inequality

I’ve thought about that… could also outsource prisons. You’d have a lot of job loss though… I dunno

I think our country was originally founded on a similar idea. Land ownership was proxy for contriubtion. But over time we have eroded those parts of our democracy, We didn’t even elect Senators directly for a long time

how interesting.

“I’ve thought about that… could also outsource prisons. You’d have a lot of job loss though… I dunno”

They’re already doing this via privately run prisons which I’m against on the grounds that prisons don’t exist in order for some one else to make a profit on. It’s there in order to 1) punish those who do wrong as deemed by society as a whole and 2) work to rehabilitate said person so that they can return and contribute to society or failing that 3) contain them to shield them from the rest of society.

Unfortunately, both public and private prisons are ok/good at #1 but terrible at #2 and in turn try to make every prisoner fit into #3, thus starting never ending cycle of more prisoners leading to more prisons to more profit. Rinse and repeat ad nauseam. It’s part of why we have such a high rate of recidivism.

Take this another step in terms of outsourcing, why not outsource the police and military? I’m sure that can’t go wrong…

yes but private prisons in the us is expensive. if we send them to a thrid world country it will be a lot cheaper. i imagine that for some cases, their death is their best contribution to society. thats 1 way to fix recidivism.

the death penalty in the us is actually a very expensive process due to the legal work required. in the philippines, the president is in favor of summary executions which is far cheaper!

in my opinion it far easier to buy something new than try to fix something that is broken. i like to think of humpy dumpy. its an excellent metaphor!

is this a rebuttal in some way? how does a chart of median income relate to minimum wage and low income workers?

lol no. then i guess it dfoes neither. it was just an interesting chart. it says us has a smaller middle class like other shithole countries but we have a higher ppp in terms of median income

so it is saying that there is a wide pay difference between the haves and have nots!

apparently the best place to be a shitty person is norway. high likelihood of being middle class without too much effort coupled with a lot of pay