CFA Exams in 18 months? Passed L1/L2

The smile was from someone who took L3 this past June.

same boat…passed dec 13 and june 14 with like 2 months of study…but i prolly wont give l3 next year due to c.a final exams…might as well see

complete CA 1st.I know you will get AIR .

It’s doable, but don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.

thanks…i am trying

I am also trying to finish in 18 months. I just opened the CFAI level 3 e-books, however, and I immediately got PTSD-related nausea. I’m not going to even *think* about this until January.

If you can’t do 3/3 in 18 months, you’re hacksaw. Oh it can be done… but only by the BSDs.

OK, seriously, take a little break before L3. But L3 was the hardest exam and you’ll need to be at your best on exam day, especially for the morning session, which is the trickiest part of the whole program.

Forgive me, for I do not know the depths of my own ignorance, but am I wrong to think L3 with 10 months to prepare is going to be much easier than L2 with 2.5 months?

Past performance does not guarantee future results. This is what I keep telling myself at each level. It’s a good mantra to bring you back down to earth and not get overconfident and reckless in your study habits.

This is my goal! 18 months and its over. I passed level 1 and level 2 now its time for the final lap. I remember why I did the CFA, it was to prove people wrong

I am on the same page with you. Only one more round to reach the finish line. Let’s kill this beast once and for all.

Same. Passed L1 Dec 2015 and L2 June 2016. I wish there is hard weighted FRA session in L3 but there isn’t. There is much psychology instead. Never mind, started studying already. IMO, L3 is the most challenging not only by its concepts but also with the manner of questions in AM session.

Did you do only Schweser or used CFAI Materials for Level 2?Just curious

Since I had started by the end of January I initially based my studying on Schweser notes only. However, I used official curriculum for practicing EOCs. In period close to exam date I had a time left to re-read Econ, PM and Ethics from curriculum.