[CFA Prep Diary] Writing a diary for the December exam!

honestly, do not come to forums and update your blogs while studying for CFA… it’s a HUGE distraction unless you are actively looking for answers to a specific question.

i agree, if you want distraction go for a run or go make yourself somethign healthy to eat!

After having awful two weeks, full of work and not studying, I think I’m doing rather well. Have regained my optimism and advancing further. The new diary post is here - check it out! :slight_smile: http://bit.ly/CFA-Passion-Optimism-Regained

You have 30 days left. Forget the diary, forget this forum, go do your EOC and your mocks. It’s also getting a bit late to read, especially econ which happens to be the topic with the lowest weight/page. Focus on your FRA, Quants, Equity, Fixed income and leave a good 2-3 days for ethics of course.

Thnx for the tip, but - this diary really relaxes me after every workday … :slight_smile:

Anyway, a new diary post - Practice problems are the key!

_I went through all past sections of Economics and reviewed End of chapter problems. Before I’ve started using TimePrep I wasn’t really solving End of chapter problems. I found couple of articles claiming that End of Chapter problems and Mock exams are the best tools for the exam preparation. _


New diary post - http://bit.ly/cfa-passion-economics-full-steam-ahead

The most interesting topic in this week’s learning section was definitely the discussion about Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Monetary moves. I like this kind of discussions because they are based on certain economic principles and require brainstorming of many different aspects and moves. The fact that the entire complexity can be drawn on a graph is making the entire discussion easier and more understandable.

Economics is really, really nice! Little less than 3 weeks to go!