CFA Salaries

Becasue Fixed Income is the shiz. No one wants to end up doing “Equities in Dallas”

It takes over $2 trillion of credit origination a day to make the world go around. I heard this number back in 2008 when someone was trying to emphasize how important it was to have a functional credit market.

Fixed income AUM are generally bigger for most FI asset classes (except those that are capacity constrained like non-agency MBS), but the fees are significantly lower. I suspect this pay discrepancy has more to do with the firms located in MN (few) than anything: it is a biased sample. Also, equity analysts make much more than fixed income analyst after they have 10 years experience, according to this report. Less experienced equity PMs make more than more experienced ones, according to this report.

In short, this comp survey is too small and makes no sense.

I feel enlightened. Thx

hahah well put. You dont like speaking to the “BOAs”? I used to, while acting in such a capacity, totally put down such a career path because it is highly lacking any intellecutual stimulation and such a mundane process. Nevertheless, we are all prostitutes for money and one must do what he must do to keep up with the jones’s.

But, fees on fixed income products are much less than equity products. You generally need to bring in $4 of FI for every $1 into an equity fund to generate the same revenue.