Charter Arrived Today

Got mine yesterday. It’s in some strange American format. Cannot be easy copied to A4.

Mine turned up too (London) - it’s huge!

if you find an image online if the old charter before they changed the logo… it was way cooler

Which two?

C & F?

C & A?

F & A?

You should have gotten all three.

ha, ha !

My tube turned up on my porch in Melbourne yesterday too. :slight_smile:

Didn’t take that long to get here.

well i guess mine should have arrived already but local post doesn’t deliver unless it’s just a letter. i’ll go to post office on Monday and if it’s still not there i’ll just leave my cell phone number.

charter awarded 8/8/17. but we all know it’s just symbolic for all our labor

country - Mongolia

did they fix your cable?

i would never recommend charter. FIOS ftw

I love that you can just leave your cell phone number, imagine trying that in the States. Not how I pictured a Mongolian postal carrier, though

dude, 2 questions mate:

  • how exactly do you post pics from say your pc? i dont wanna deal with url html crap…

  • what’s wrong with leaving your cell phone number in a local post? but ok, i wouldn’t be supervised if charters are delivered by drones and can be tracked real time in US. We’re a bit backward, sigh.

Frankly, I don’t even know how to utilize a designation over here, sigh.

  1. I have tried to figure this out and never could. I don’t think this feature exists at AF

  2. I imagine the US Postal Service would kindly tell me to F@CK OFF if I left my cell number and said “hey fam give me a buzz when this package arrives”. Instead the postal carrier will conveniently bring me a slip of paper roughly a week after said package arrives at the post office, telling me that I have something there. Usually this will consist of a mystery letter related to a class action lawsuit involving something I haven’t owned in 10 years.

We are testing a new drone delivery system, though, and I just received this real-time image of my CFA Charter tube being deployed to my address:

Does Mongolia have a CFA Society or did you join in Russia or something? Maybe move to China?

this is priceless, dude! a tube with charter being rock-propelled to your house :slight_smile:

nah, we don’t have it here. though i speak fluent russian it’ll be last choice to land a job due to sanctions/backward fin. markets/racism

chinese (say HK) demand fluent language so my viable options are europe, singa and maybe even north america. who knows

and yes collected my charter yesterday after they ring me. i opened it before my bosses and colleagues (a small pr campaign)

I think Singapore is the obvious choice out of the options you listed, right?

are the dues payment necessary for even the 2 paper letters received by mail?

I am going to go with yes because without paying dues you cannot be awarded the Charter, so you would not receive the letters

Paper Charter still not received this part of the world (awarded 8 August 2017). Is this a normal delay?

I’d check with Institute. This is a not normal delay. Maybe, someone stole your package from PO box or what else. In my case this was some kind of a registered mail. I must put my signature by receiving this.

…and today i get the pin, pen and cardholder…

me too, have they always done this?

So I was awarded the charter on 25th September but I never received the charter in the tube. So I contacted the CFA membership team and sent them a replacement CFA charter form in February. They said I’ll receive the charter within the next 6 weeks. It’s been more than that now. I’ve written back to them but no response. What should I do? I know the address is correct because on that address I received the CFA package that contained the CFA lapel pin, business card holder and pen.