Comrade Sanders

“The only thing that fascists understand is violence. So, the only way that you can confront them is with violence.”

Come again? What is the source of 95%+ of “politically motivated” violence over the last 4 years?

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I wonder when Comrade Bernie’s prose about gang rape fantasies will be debated???

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I think Trump presidency is at risk. Turd was activated one again, to defend people from deep state and help protect the only true free world ruler

I come around like a comet just to remind everyone that everything I’ve said is slowly but surely coming into mass awareness. It’s a process of easing the sleeping masses into awareness of the ugly truth. Things could not be going more smoothly. I tell you this truly: humanity has threaded the needle against impossible odds and the #GoldenAge is here. Enjoy and be thankful.

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“Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those mutherf*ckers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.”

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“Four of the organizers in this office …are all definitely further left than the Democratic Socialists.”

“I’m an Anarcho-communist…I’m as far left as you can possibly get…there’s a lot of “me’s” in the Bernie Sanders campaign.”

Wow, what are Bernie’s real intentions for America? Are you being sold a bill of goods?

More at 12:00 – Bernie Sanders Campaign Part 2. “You won’t believe your ears”.

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“Are you being sold a bill of goods?”

This is how you know Boomers are pushing this ‘conspiracy’

imo. the best way to solve homelessness is through direct programs. such as the government building affordable housing or contracting it to other to pay. in california the biggest issue is local government preventing upgrades to single family homes and 50% of homeless people are located there there. anyways in the us there are (550k homeless people) (it costs 250k/unit for affordable housing) so roughly 140b to fix it. the best way to solve poverty is ubi. about 40m make less than 12k. if I had to guess a few other would prefer not to do anything so about 20% of population, anyways 60m * 12k = 720b. anyways taht would solve it, at least in the us. it would also remove the effects of people crowding in dense area. since poor useless people will move to lcol area with their free money. they wont be tied down to the city center.

but you cannot do any of these if you are running a 4% budget deficit and a debt to gdp of over 100%.we need higher taxes. anyways a trillion is easy to raise. if you literally just normalized social security where they collect taxes without a cap passed130k cap. which is equivalent to a 5% change in taxes for anyone making above 130k, and you’ll raise $500b. a 10% increase will raise a trillion. so this is enough to balance the current budget. if we eliminate the federal tax breaks and simplified the tax code even further, you can prolly raise another trillion that will cure poverty, end homelessness, urban crowding, and fix our budget.

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Gulags for everyone spouting dangerous ideas of “freedom” or “sovereignty”.

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I know this is on more than one AF bookshelf:


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what would you like to know, tadpole?

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You. Up to you. Up to you. Up to you. show yourself the truth.

of course there is. Also, there is no such thing as objective truth. the nature of duality. do you think you can find it outside yourself?

why don’t they want to interact with constituents on twitter?

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Opponents have since tried to compare Sanders to Trump, but he quickly differentiated himself as “not being a billionaire, not having investments in Saudi Arabia, wherever he has investments, all over the world,” per the Times. Sanders, the Times quickly pointed out, is a millionaire, to which Sanders said "I wrote a best-selling book. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.”

What a POS hypocrite, why do people support him?

Because they’re looking for someone to tell them to hate themselves…because they hate themselves. There’s a whole gaggle on the left willing to make that sales pitch to them. Ultimately that is what this is all about.

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So close to self-awareness. Like, really close.

You’ll get to choose your gulag.

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Come on now, he’s not against people becoming wealthy, he’s against tax evasion and tax sheltering… People support him because he, like trump if we are being honest, are some of the few candidates who actually stand behind what they say.