"Conservatives are using identity politics to destroy liberalism from within"

Single year data for large populations tends to not be that volatile. Besides, 2010-2017 is a meaningless data set because America wasn’t even great for most of the data set.

I’m not your friend, lover.

Agree with urbanization, but that was my original point in my first response to Mackenzie, that she was conflating urbanization causality with liberalism.

Urbanization, progressiveness and liberalism are obviously closely tied. The original discussion was about how an aspect of liberalism has backfired politically, not the overall merits of liberalism.

geez, get a room guys. this stuff isn’t legal in russia.

Wait, wait, no I wasn’t annoyed at your post, I just got busy. I am no liberal, but I am a libertarian, which to me means it is ok that people disagree about complicated issues. I don’t need an echo chamber of right-wing bros to high-five me every time I say something. Also, I will have to declare a fatwa on you calling me snowflake or trolling me about ROTC. As I recall, you revealed that you signed up for Marines, only to quit when you learned you might get deployed. So when your country needed you, you quit and possibly moved to Canada… That’s gotta be textbook snowflake!!! amiright? high five?

60k seems like a rounding error, and could be deceptive. I have come across maybe a dozen hedge fund and private equity tycoons who have bought ranches and acres of land in Montana or Wyoming. Not sure why those two states, must be some tax issue, but they are certainly beautiful with great hunting and fishing. Lot of ex military also move to these states – more a live free or die attitude. Again though, not a lot of people moving there for the vibrant economy.

Weak attempt. Needed is a strong term given there was no shortage of baby killers willing to liberate the Iraqi’s for free college.

“To put it simply, the American left has been hacked, and it is now running in a circle of its own choosing, rather than focusing on electoral victories or policy effectiveness. Too many segments of the Democratic Party are self-righteously talking about identity politics, and they are letting other priorities slip.”

Yup, Bannon said this a couple years, “as long as they keep focusing on PC/identity politics (i.e. authoritarianism/racism/sexism), we got em.” But Bloomberg is corporate propaganda, and there’s loads of misdirection in there as usual (trying to pit left vs right, etc).

You’re all over the place, and don’t understand what is happening in America. Back up, delete everything you think you know, start over.

Liberalism/progressivism, the whole thing, has backfired.

That’s what happens after 50yrs, it’s over, dead, rotting. Next.

Thanks, but I will stick with what I know. The US has extreme periods then it tacks to the middle and repeats. The pure left has never won a presidential election – Obama, Clinton, Carter…thankfully all tack to the middle. Non Americans love to point out the sky is falling in the US because they can’t get over their schadenfreude… Just get over it.