December then June..

Passed Dec & June, and hungry for more!

did them back to back too, tight turnaround with new job that started mid-may, but it’s definitely doable

I also passed L1 in Dec 09 and L2 in June 10. Since I started studying for Level 2 early (in December), it was quite doable.

level 1 - dec 2009 level 2 - jun 2010 planning to give level 3 in jun 2011… level 1 was good cuz i had enough time to study since i started in sept. level 2 was hell! but i feel im very very fortunate to have passed. i was working, i got engaged, my fiance was in town for a month and a half in Mar-Apr… She left around April 30th and thats when i started studying!! so basically i studied all of may and that whole month was HELL!! but it was all worth it in the end with a little bit of luck on my side of course :slight_smile:

Took level 1 in Dec and picked up the books for level 2 at the beginning of march, a few weeks after the level 1 results came out. Happy to say I passed and, although it was pretty hectic studying alongside a full time 50-60 hour week, I have no regrets about doing the two exams in back to back sittings. In my opinion these exams are all about knuckling down and blasting through them as quickly as possible. Nor do I regret only spending 3 months studying for it. I cant imagine spending a whole year for one of these things, I would go absolutely craaaazy. Even after three months I was sick of the sight of the textbooks. I am amazed at how people can now even contemplate beginning study for level 3!? I will personally be enjoying the summer (and happy to say that we actually have one in the UK for the first time in 3 years!), taking a break from study until the end of the year then will think about level 3 early next year. To all of those people who are cracking on already I say take a step back and just enjoy yourself for a while. Studying for CFA really takes it out of you. Relax and take a break for a while. You will no doubt forget everything you read now and will have to keep coming back to it anyway.

band 10, but at least next year it will be a slam dunk if I study the same amount of time for the 2nd time (starting late Feb.) I wouldn’t count on being able to do it if you work full time but it’s definitely worth a shot to save a year or get a head start on being able to crush it the next time around.

I’ve been doing a big exam every 6 months for my actuarial exams. These exams take a recommended 400 hours each on top of full time work. I did this for 6 years. I think you can definitely do a Dec followed by June CFA exam, if you are willing to put the rest of your “fun” life on hold and just get it done.

I passed consecutively December 2016 and June 2017. And I will be writing my level III next June.

I might be tough if you work in accounting/finance industry full time, because from Feb to May is tax season, which means you will be very busy and in the mean time working on your exam. That is exactly my case… I pretty much stayed late at work till 8pm every day studying. I also study on either Saturday or Sunday, give it a good 6 hours. However, I don’t recommond studying till midnight that kinda thing because it burns out you and will totally mess up your work and then your study efficiency. Try to find sometime everyday to do some work out. I do yoga at least 3 times a week, doesn’t take too long, 1 hour max every time. Just to free my brain out of that study mode.

For level III I will have more time. Hopefully that’ll be a bit more relaxing. But again, that’ll be tax season…

I chose to do it regardless, because I know it’s just an intense 4 months, if I don’t do it next year, then the year after the situation is exactly the same, except I might have lost that study mode, and that will be the worse senario.

Hope that helps.

…they asked in 2010.