Donald Trump for President

Agree that he is a wacko, but those bankruptcies weren’t because of mismanagement or lack of business sense. They were very well calculated, strategic business moves. I was tangentially involved in one of them and it was planned from the very beginning.

Look, I don’t want to say Hillary lies more than other politicians, but she will blatantly misrepresent her intentions to get votes. “I am your champion” of the lower class? Like my ass.

Also, Hillary supports more troops in the Middle East, criminalizing flag burning, the death penalty, and reducing social security benefits. She is not liberal at all compared to many Democrats.

But for some reason, she really gets on my nerves. I’m not sure if I can watch her on TV for four years.

People like Trump win in parliamentary systems…not the one the US has.

Naw, it will be like W Bush. The whole world will hate Americans more than they already do. A massive greed-based meltdown will happen (but Trump is at least smart enough to time it so it happens after he leaves office). And then Americans will say again “but how could we have known, we were dupped!”. But this time there will be no money left in the system for a bail out, and no allies, and it will be game over.

Yeah, let’s do it, can we get Palin as vice?! yes

^ As usual ohai nailed it. Hillary is a classic politician who knows that people vote based on what a candidate says, not what he or she does. She knows that the vast majority of people who are thinking of voting for her won’t watch the debates and won’t research her actual record. They’ll hear clips of her rhetoric on MSNBC and head off to the polls.

She has become way more liberal in the last year in order to win the poor, downtrodden vote. Unless she is just lying, and doesnt plan to do anything she says. which is possible i suppose

I may come out of voting retirement to vote for Trump. Just to see what happens.

You are saying that he invested equity in his various bankrupt real estate projects with the initial goal of putting them eventually in Chapter 11, and that was a well calculated, strategic business move? Sounds like an outrageous claim only Trump could make.

For all those saying Trump has been bankrupt. Yes, he has. And now he’s worth 10 billion.

Guess what? The US right now, IS BANKRUPT. We need to turn that around. What better way than to have someone who HAS experience turning it around. And by the way, he did that without the ability to print money.

your dumb “trump was bankrupt” argument doesn’t work anymore does it?

watching U.S. politics is hilarious. yeah, let’s vote for the guy who has a clear conflict of interest with running the government. the only way you can get THAT rich in the world is taking advantage of the general population and/or the government, so he’s either screwed over the general populace or the people voted in by the general populace to watch their backs and yet you want him to be the guy to make the rules even more favourable to big business? the american right, and even much of the center, lives as if we don’t live in a time of extreme income and wealth inequality. that said, the left’s policies are the same irrespective of the current state of inequality so it’s not like they have some righteous mission all of the time, just presently. if big business was struggling and corporate profits were something like 4% of GDP instead of the 10%+ now, trump would be the righteous one.

I will too. I’m 98% sure he won’t win, but hopefully it wakes up the politicans to really notice there’s a real group of people that like several of his important arguments.

yes. the US is bankrupt b/c high earners and corporations are not paying their share. the undisputedly best and most nostalgic period in U.S. history was a time in which the top marginal rate was 70-90%, corporate taxes were much higher and business activities were more regulated. instead of asking the rich to pay deficits down, they let the deficits stack up and then ask the rich to lend them money. it’s a backwards system because the vast majority of americans are crazy hard righties by world standards.

What part of socialism doesn’t work is not understood?

politicans want to get elected, cater to short term sentiment to win, and don’t give a crap to the system 20-30-40 years from now. handouts are popular, loose immigration policy is popular, govt healthcare and bountiful social security is popular. what happens in 30 years when it all comes crashing down from overspending and the US becomes Greece??? let me guess, that’s another politician’s problem?

well that’s a terrible solution.

I really have no idea what his arguments are and have no interest in knowing. But entertainment value alone makes it worthwhile. I’m starting to think the republican party is just throwing in the towel.

I don’t think the US is doing that bad. Which country are we comparing this to? Japan? France? Ok, maybe Germany is better… but US does not have a country full of Germans.

Also, it is natural for the US to have higher debt than any other country in the world (not that it does). There is a benefit to controlling the world’s money supply.

Plus, you can always find outlier performers in any population. Let’s say California is doing well now, or maybe Bloomberg era NY. The US is pretty big. Performance needs to be averaged across similarly sized areas, like maybe the EU, which on a whole, is probably doing much worse.

You’re going to say Canada is more equal despite having minorities, blabla. But when Chinese and Indians are your biggest non white minority groups, good things probably happen…

What has Trump “turned around” precisely? He invested equity in various real estate projects, he leveraged them to the teeth chasing high return, and when the business underpeformed he used the bankruptcy protection laws in order to minimize his losses. He took a loss on his equity stake and was removed from management/leadership role when the company emerged from the restructuring process, which was managed by others. Again, how exactly is this “experience” relevant to turning the US economy around and managing the national debt?

MLA, what does the marginal tax rate have to do with the rich? You think Trump, Gates, Buffet accrue their wealth through income? Talking about marginal tax rates is one of the biggest fallacies in modern politics.

The overwhelming majority of the wealth holders pay an effective tax rate much closer to 20% because their income is realized through capital gains. Jobs didn’t take a $1 salary because he was selfless, he did it because he hated paying taxes. So you’re single mother with two kids working two jobs will pay 35% while politicians talk about tax brackets and pays capital gains.

govt will never be smarter than business, so stop trying. guess what businesses did in response. a huge wave of inversions and off shore tax deals. Healthcare has seen an EXODUS of companies converting to low-tax jurisdictions. The stronger the US govt clamps down, the faster they bail.

So the grand big govt solution of trying to milk businesses so much that they find a nuclear option to get out altogether. well done. Oh, healthcare no preexisting conditions! Guess what insurers got hit hard this year, and next year… skyrocketing premiums!. Hillary wants to kill the Cadillac tax??? LOL That’s the mechanism that was supposed to balance the savings! And demanding 40 hour work week employees healthcare (due to Obamacare), resulted in millions of now 30 hour week jobs. Great job there too

itera seems to be suggesting that the US defaults on its debt and hires Donald Trump to restructure the economy. This is probably impractical… but I guess there are points for thinking outside the box.

Itera, you do know that the claim that he is worth 10B was made part of his campaign slogan and that nobody can verify it? The 10B claim is just a way of him tickling his balls, and the number is probably much lower.