Duty to employer

^lol thanks a lot. Btw that’s an easy choice–she’s already wearing tights, and who wears white peep toes with tights? Personally I’d go for black booties, but given the options, I’d choose the red. Then again, she might also change her outfit depending on the shoe, in which case white might be better as red heels often look tacky.

Long term goals- I want do what the senior guys are doing at the current firm, doing buy side research. I don’t know if I would feel comfortable staying at this firm until I get there though. Maybe gain enough experience so that I could jump to another firm later. Eventually would like to return to school, elsewhere in the US. I need to explore more of the US. Maybe take that as a 2-5 year plan?

Beyond that, I would like to return to Tokyo for a while too, though I don’t know how long I can last there. If I ever do settle down, I don’t think I’d like to do that in Japan–Seattle is good for that though. It’s fun for young folks too, but there are pockets of neighborhoods that reek of Smug Marrieds and Perfect Children. It’s disgusting.

So, basically, no room for 2-3 years in trading. I DO want to go to NY, instead of boring suburb of Seattle, but I think this job is better for my career path. Such a shame to give it up, but I know (hope!) this isn’t my last chance to leave Seattle!

More opportunities will come your way. They always do. It seems like you have good drive to get all these offers from your job search so I wouldn’t worry. And if you’re looking to move for school in a couple years, then I’d stick to your buy side job, even if it’s lowly. Hell, go get a top MBA in a couple years and then come back as the boss.

If you want to work in Buy Side research then you should just stay where you are right now at least in the short term. As you become more comfortable with the role, you can ask for progressively more responsibility to gain the work experience you need to take the next step in your career, which may include moving to a bigger city (i.e. NYC). In this business, the work experience is key.

Go with red. According to these studies, red increases the attractiveness of both men and women.



^ Winners wear red: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/6097954/Why-teams-in-red-win-more.html

Good thing I was wearing my frumpy red sweater then. Maybe I can get on the PM’s good side hey?

In all seriousness, I am just on the brink of a breakdown now lol. Tomorrow is the day to decide, but I can’t–mediocre job, great life in NY, or solid start to a career, boring retirement community in WA?

My supervisor suggested I make a model, and I did, and it said WA (and numbers don’t lie). But my heart is unwilling to listen.

I’m also the type that can never decide where to go eat–go figure.

When there is conflict between head and heart it often pays to push the burden of suggesting a final decision on the closest confidant and take it. What is more esential, whether you take the decision yourself or with someone’s help is to forget about the other options once you have selected one of them, otherwise you would always regret later whenever some unhappy situation arises in the selected option (thinking the other one I rejected would not have landed me in this bad situation even if there is no fact to prove so, as there could be some other worse problem in it!).

I went beyond my closest confidant and asked everyone in my circle.

Just accepted the offer from the fund and rejected the trading offer.

I think the recruiter is very angry with me–I did tell him I had a local offer but he may have chosen to forget about it. I would like to stay in touch with him in case I have a chance to go to NY again, but really didn’t like him as a person, very aggressive (which gets results, but just didn’t like him as a person).

Oh well, I appreciate everyone’s input and thank you for listening through this process. And as someone said earlier, buy side, hurray!

If you didn’t this time, you probably never will. It gets harder once you get older.

Good work landing what seems to be a solid role and all the best in the job. Congrats!