Ethic Questions.

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I’m with Q1, 2 Q2, 4 Q3, 2 Q4, 4

4 . May attend the dinner and participate in the golf tournament and sight-seeing but not accept reimbursement for travel and accommodations. 4. For confidentiality reasons, personal transactions should not be compared to those of clients or the employer unless requested by regulatory organizations. 2 I. Members should outline known limitations of their analysis. II. Reports should be supported by background and supporting information, and this information should be available to interested parties. III. Members must include all relevant factors in research reports. 4 Cooperate with publishing the report but document his difference of opinion with the research team.

3 4 2 4 Q1 - 3 - as per SOPH - handbook P-22, Last line of first paragraph- Best practice dictates that members "must reject " any offer or gift or entertainment that could be expected to threaten their indepency & objectivity. Again, on page 25 - 2nd paragraph from bottom - “When attending meetings at an issuer’s HQ, members or candidates should pay for commercial transportation & hotel charges”. Q2 - 4 - To keep check on personal transactions. Q3 - 2 – I. P.85- Middle of third paragraph.— Members and candidates should outline known limitations of the analysis and conclusions contained in their investment analysis. – II. & III. is true too. Q4. – 4 Std V A- P. 80-81 If the member or candidate is confident in the process, the member or candidate does not have to dissociate from the report if it does not reflect his or her opinion. The member 80 Reading 2 • “Guidance” for Standards I–VII or candidate should, however, document his or her difference of opinion with the team.