Failed CFA1 twice, should i take classes?

Not to put any other institute aside, but may I suggest IFT? The videos and examples and Q bank are truly remarkable and they are for people who have a busy life style but still wish to succeed in CFA. Try out the free 7 day trial and see if it works for you. I am someone who needs videos and someone talking through the material for me to comprehend, until now it’s great. Not to mention the amount of help I get from AnalystForum, the people here are great!

Classes wont help. You have to put in the time.

My daughter was born the week I took Level I but I was able to study at work and passed all three tests in a row. I wouldn’t recommend the CFA to anyone who has kids.


+1 to this

Before you enroll again you need to really think whether it’s for you or not. Not trying to discourage anyone but even if you manage to pass L1 there are still L2 and L3 which are arguably more difficult. Moreover you have to consider that L2 and L3 are only offered once a year in June. If you fail the exam it’s a long wait before you can retake it.

Ok I am going to allocate for time to my CFA 1 this time, I got the go ahead from my boss to take some vacation days to do this.

Question: Should I sign up today to take the test in June and pay the $950? or Wait and sign up for the March test and pay only $650?

March test? Perhaps you mean December ?

Yeah my fault mean Dec

damn dude. can’t even get simple dates correct. how you gonna manage FRA and Derivs dude?

Srsly, dont do CFA, it’s hard and you’re not up for it. You’ll just waste your time.

You could be a plumber by day and chasing poon by night… forget finance!

Or Im already making $200k+ a year in a finance job and a WOLF doesn’t chase poon you fool…

Now go get my coffee

Good for you that you are still willing to sit for a CFA exam, however given that you are already making 200k+ unless it’s for your personal satisfaction I honestly don’t see how having the right to use those 3 letters behind your name will add that much value to your career.

You know that saying “Always Be Closing” in Sales, in my career I like the saying “Always Be Learning”…

I would go for the June exam and pay the higher registration fee, especially with it now being pushed toward the end of June. 4 months is plenty of time for Level I, even with a full time job. But don’t half-ass the prep if you do, unless you like lighting dollar bills on fire. The reasoning here is if you pass the June exam, you’ll be able to start on Level II prep earlier than if you get your Level I pass result in January.

As I said before, commit to the whole thing before you try again. You can’t skate your way through to the charter. You gotta put in the work.

Ok thanks Jay


It’s really up to you. I’ll echo an earlier post to say that the CFA time commitment is no joke.

That said, the CFA remains the gold standard of a credential in the financial industry. It’s really widely recognized, so it does open up a lot of doors. Of course, you’ll still need to network to land the best job, but that’s true in any field.

If you decide to go for it, I recommend you shop for a provider carefully. You’ll be spending lots of time with whichever one you choose, so look for the right one for you.

I did my L1 the first time when I was a bachelor and failed. Poor time management (too much partying/networking) was the issue.

Second time I did it, I was a husband, father of a young child and much more stable in my career. I also had domestic help which meant I could redirect the time I previously used for domestic chores for studying. I believe this really helped a lot.

if you are truly making 200k+ a year, perhaps you could use the money to hire a nanny to help with the kids and chores, rather than spend it on a ‘miracle pill’ to help you pass.

Just my 2 cents

Also, original post is a violation of Standard VII.

^ Shut up.