Failed closer to MPS

With a 1 point from pass, retabulation may be worth a shot. If you were 5-10 pts off, probably a complete waste of money.

Did you make any stray marks or incomplete erasers that caused the scanning equipment to not pick up your answers correctly?

Do not recall that, but yes, FI marks, I m unable to digest

i think in your case, maybe a better ethics score would have pushed you over the top. Or even just one more section above 70%(a 10% weighted section)

As per my calculations, it looks like 78/120

No retaliation doesn’t help.

I would post a different image after taking out personal info

Ya, I missed that, have deleted the link now, don’t know if it helps, thanks for pointing this out

You probably didn’t answer enough questions correctly.

Or, the likely reason is he answered exactly enough questions correctly but there’s a conspiracy to defraud the candidate! I heard of a rumor the republicans wanted to make the MPS score 78 but the dems wanted 79… in the end, the dems went nuclear and did a simple majority, 79 MPS.

That’s a brutal score matrix dude. I think you should skip the retabulation. You’re probably looking at band 10. Just take it on the chin and study more. You’ll find in your studies next year that you THOUGHT you knew the curriculum this year, but, by the time you take the exam next year, you’ll be laughing your ass off at how much of a difference that one additional year was.

Trust me. I was band 10 in 2017, and the difference I felt after having another year to study was just insane. I finished both sessions with more than an hour left this year. I toyed with that exam - literally, felt like a tiger playing with a kill. And I’ll bet, if you don’t quit, and keep going, you’ll be in the exact same shoes I was this year. I walked out of the exam this year laughing and asking other people “THAT’S IT???”.

Thank you… so for sure, not gonna quit, that thought has not crossed my mind once. Will study and crack this beast next year, was just trying my luck with retabulation, may be… Just may be… but still in double mind, whether or not to go for retab.