FB going down the rabbit hole?

CN/US are basically doing the same “social credit” scheme. I’m not a tribalist and see no material distinction.

As does the US.

So what you’re saying is that what china does is terrible and should be looked down upon, right?

And you heard it here from the one unbiased and objective voice on AF, the US govt restricts peoples ability to take trains and planes based on their social credit. The us also apparently actively has a great wall of china (america version) and restricts the letter n, and does things like this:


Your strawmans, and weak intellect in general, so tedious. [snore emoticon]

Mods, we need more emoticons. AF is out of the loop, this is century of Asia, emoticons are bigtime! I feel my emotionality is so restricted on this site. :sob:

Ha you’re so mad about my pointing out your hypocrisy and unbridled cheerleading of china.

Strawman, snore does not equal “mad”.

Do you know you do this? Perhaps you are just not educated…

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.

The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent’s proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition and the subsequent refutation of that false argument instead of the opponent’s proposition.

I on the other hand, attack your actual ideas and perceptions directly as they are, because they are fundamentally flawed.

Why don’t you say that china banning the letter n, using that mass surveillance system against the muslims, the social credit system, the internet censorship, and the great wall and all its associated are highly troubling and overly invasive, pa? Is it possible for you to criticize china? I don’t think it is.

You dodged the question, so again you got checkmated, and ran away.

What business of yours is China? How many years have you lived in CN? Why do you pretend to care so much? Is it to make you feel better about your own fascist country? What is your source of information on CN (the corporate media)?

A: I’m not a Chinese citizen, don’t live in CN, and so it’s not my place to comment on what Chinese want or don’t want. It is my place as a tax payer to comment on the US, and point out their shortfall relative to their own stated values.

This question as now been answered, so please don’t bore us a million times more, Mr. Neurotic.

So you won’t say that those things are bad and will only criticize the us. Got it, thanks for being clear about that.

We’ve already been thru this Mr. Morality, “bad” is a personal judgemental, based on your culture. It’s bigotry.

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Lol and you’re the one talking down about postmodernism

How much sugar do you eat kid? You leap from one thing you know nothing about, to another.

Postmodernism denies reason/biology, saying things are subjective which are not. Morality of course, is subjective.

Checkmate on that path too. What’s next??


I don’t think you understand postmodernism pa. It is very much about cultural values and the critique of them, and about relativism. Postmodernists are all about subjective morality. Here. http://static.existentialcomics.com/comics/PNNderrida2.png

TFW pa realizes he’s a postmodernist specific to chinas and its human rights abuses. Check and mate.

Gotta look beyond the P/E multiple with AMZN… If they weren’t reinvesting so heavily, they’d be dropping much more to the bottom line. When taking into account potential future growth - specifically potential expansion into new markets, increase of ecommerce sales as a % of total retail sales and their outsized share of this growth, AWS, smart home, etc. - I don’t see how this can’t be at least a small weighting in your portfolio outside of index funds.

When people say don’t worry about valuation, I start to worry.

anyways Facebook is one of those no brainers. At this point you need to have money on it

So, the best course of action is opening fake profiles on social networks. Also, acceptable is to put your likes (or dislikes) on diametral opposite things to confuse the advertisers who are building up your profile.


There have been startups that want to allow users to monetize their own data. They haven’t worked because the pay is so low

No, they are about subjective facts/science, to justify their chosen morality. :bulb:

You don’t know what you’re talking about PA. You’re a postmodernist specializing in being anti western, while also being pro chinese. Its actually pretty common of post modernists and post structuralists. A lot of the french and american existentialists and post modernist/structuralists were opposed to the western system as well and happened to become strong supporters of the USSR and chinese models, you’re just following in their footsteps. The way that you give so much leeway to the chinese on the basis of their acitons being somehow justified within their own moral system, while hypocritically being as harsh as possible on the western systems even when the actions are the same or worse on the chinese side, shows this. Here, this may inform you as to some of the basics of postmodernism.


