Final hours preparation

To each’s own, but I’ve never understood the whole “just relax, do something completely non-CFA for a day or two” ideology. It makes no sense to me. There is definitely a negative relationship, imo, with time “decay” and memory retention. We all know this to be true - ie. you take a month, 2 months, a year, off and you will likely forget half of this stuff. So even a day or two for me, is very tiny, but I still like to go over formula’s/concepts, etc. to keep everything as fresh as possible. I do agree rest is paramount, and not to overdo the review, but definitely still do CFA-related relaxing I would think…

You may relax very well by repeating GIPS. This is a sample of an active relaxation.

When I took the exam in Sydney it was on Sunday

You are from Down Under and you are completely twisted. Thus, this not count.

this is the right mindset. on the exam day, i am usually too excited to get this over with. i literally only get maybe 4 hrs of sleep? i wake up extra early around 4am then review in bed, then i am usually there a couple hrs early and review till it starts. by the time i finish the day i run on adrenaline. anyways studying gets more important as you get closer. i focus on the formulas near the last day. and read through the am exam answers over and over you literally learn a fuck ton. anyways good luck all. bottom line never stop studying. do not rest until its done.

rofl i would not waste time on gips. gips is like a tiny portion of the test. and has way too much content. not a good use of your most crucial time. maybe reading hte pm questions for gips is the only way i study for it.

PMT = CFA notes and mocks

FV = Pass Exam

PV = Nervous

N = 1/250 (assume 250 trading days)

% = ??

VaR = ?

Just based on what I saw at the test centers over the years, I think people run the spectrum on how they approach Friday and the morning of the exam. So clearly it’s a to each his own situation. I personally did very little studying on Friday, and never before the exam the next morning. I would see candidates similar to me just relaxing or meditating waiting to get inside. Then there’s people furiously going through their notes or 11th hour guides or Schweser sheets when the doors to the exam have long been opened. I would imagine people on both ends pass and fail.

By level 3 you should know what works for you.

I am just reading my notes at this point - will do so until Friday 8pm or something, then i’ll watch HoC and pray for some sleep.

cheers for HOC :smiley:

Today going through a few specific questions from mock exams, then through a list of EOC questions that I had marked and some Individual and Institutional questions. Tomorrow mostly flash cards and formulas and if anything seems weak, a few problems to solidify the material.

Today is going through all the EOCs I got wrong in the past. Re-do those questions and see where I’m still struggling and focus there. Additionally, refresh Behavioral and GIPs.

Tomorrow, formulas/notes and 2 AM tests to get my hand writing ready.