Finance @ Google ? Good or Bad Idea?

I would research what it takes to get a job there. I have a friend that works in recruiting for Google / YouTube. She told me that if you don’t go to one of a certain list of schools, your resume automatically gets thrown in the garbage. I don’t know if that is companywide or just for engineering (probably the latter I’m guessing). But either way, my suggestion is to familiarize yourself with the actual recruiting process that Google uses and then go from there in whatever direction makes sense.

I know a few people that work at google. They are smart enough, but not braniacs. I don’t think they are the fancy smancy engineers that others are talking about. They make good livings and have respectable careers, doing something that is actually useful.

Unlike us.

^ Maybe you don’t, but I find usefulness in what I do.

lol + 1 googol

+1 That should be part of the benefit package.

I know they have at least one CFA in the senior management team. Nikesh Arora their Senior VP and Chief Business officer is a charterholder.

sure - just get a top 10 MBA it should help

How different in terms of market value for CFA Passed Lvl 3 vs. a CFA Chartholder??


You’re getting one-itis. It’s great that you want to work for google, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t get obsessed with one specific employer…will not help you. Firms like google recruit at top schools and can pick top candidates there…however by all means though, get your CFA and don’t stop trying, keep networking, try to get related jobs that may help you.

Two words: “Free lunch!”

'Nuff said.

The free lunch is pretty high quality too - like daily seafood buffet. People don’t even eat there sometimes; they pack dinner and go home. Google also gives free bus, bicycles, massages, Task Rabbit coupons, and a bunch of other stuff. Of course, lots of this is already priced into the compensation pool.

Forget free lunch, what about the medicine ball that you get to sit on at your desk. Chairs were a fad.

i hear the daily hour session of ping pong games get intense

I heard a Chinese man gave it to Bob Costas when he called it ping pong. Apparently the politically correct word is table tennis. Some people take their ping pong too seriously.

I did rather have the money and decide what to spend on.

You don’t get it: Google has done the impossible. It used to be thought that there was no such thing as a free lunch.

When you have googles of money, impossible is nothing!

It’s more to create a fun environment to attract 20-something year old engineers. These people are not sensitive to a $5k change in salary. However, they are sensitive to availability of “free” lunch and ping pong.

Congrats on topping the charts with 8,358 posts (JDV - 8356)

Yes to attract the smartest 20s something engineers on the planet, who apparently place high value on free sandwiches and pingpong than its worth or more in cash.