Fine Cocktails

Stinger, Vodka Gimlet, or Whisky Sour.

French Martini is my new go to

C’est quoi exactement?

I partake in only the finest champagne, consumed through butt funnel of course.

Il comprend de la vodka, Chambord et le jus d’ananas

I’ve been housing Greyhounds the last couple weeks - Hendricks, grapefruit juice, slice of grapefruit, ice. Salt the rim to make it a Salty Dog. Really refreshing summer drink, a bit dangerous because they go down so easy on a hot day.

Also if you’re doing g & t , cucumber is the way to go.

Ça a l’air bon.

Et c’est parti. Nous allons voir qui est le plus grand intellectuel. Sommes-nous pas tous si foutrement intelligent?

+1 on the Old Fashioned. Typically, it’s bourbon on the rocks for me, but, if it’s going to be a cocktail, it’s almost always an old fashioned, or an occasional manhatten. I prefer an old fashioned with demerara syrup rather than simple syrup, and maraschino cherries instead of black cherries.

I’ll take a Manhattan or Old fashioned (with Crown Royal) please. Don’t mind a sidecar either or a mojito if it’s a hot day. I’m growing mint in my garden this year so I’ve got a handy supply.


You’re a bunch of shandy drinking, long island iced tea drinking poons!

Snakebite is the only way forward.