flying off to USA looking for jobs!!??

Calm down there cupcake. If you start a thread, it’s open to the public. Anyone can comment their thoughts. And how do you know I’m against Indians looking for work in the US? I’ve never expressed my views on this subject.

m cool with people expressing their opinion as long as its related to the topic…mocking and making fun unnecessarily is uncalled for…i dont mind if people criticize me to death on the deicisions i would be taking…il take all that positively…but if you dont want to help some 1.atleast have the courtesy to not joke around and make uploader of the topic think he is being stupid… what exactly do you mean by

“what is the number of indians wanting to work in usa this month now”


999 milions ? :smiley:

People are making fun of you did not bother to list a single strong credential in your introduction. All we know is that you are an Indian college student with no connections. How many millions of people have those exact same credentials (or better) and why would anybody hire you in particular?

@mcalamiri- that is because i dont have any other credentials to state…i belive cfa is a good enough course to help me land a junior analyst job or atleast any other entry level job…the course in itself is so vast and requires such great discipline and hardwork that employer would definately consider that as a positive aspect in a candidate as against non cfa…and this course has been so highly regarded that it would be difficult to imagine a guy having strong knowledge of all the topics covered in cfa curriculam to be unemployed… I m not in any way saying that cfa would help me land a 1 lakh $ job…but atleast it can help me grab better job than a non cfa usa graduate in comparision right?? i know that in order to succeed in any field you have to work damn hard…and i know i have to be hard working and have experience before expecting to get any higher paying jobs…i know that…but in order to get xperience its important to land a job right? and as against non cfa doesnt a candidate…no matter what his nationality is…stand a better prospect of getting selected?? that is all im saying…

the cfa program is not enough to land you an entry analyst job

there are a LOT of people with a strong knowledge of the topics covered that are unemployed

cfa knowledge is better than no knowledge, I agree. But there are a lot of people that do the CFA program, and get nothing, and then come here to complain about it

In this field, it helps to have a thick skin.

@iteracom-then what xactly do you need to do apart from cfa to ensure getting a job? you cant say experience or connections since these two come after you have got a job!! what else are the criteria according 2 u?? please give ur expert advice… @ bchadwick-yea i agree on that…

look, if after 4 years of undergrad, networking with your professors, students, alums, and internships and you still can’t get you a full time job WHY would anyone think passing a 3-month do it yourself study level 1 get you THAT job?! I don’t get it…In undergrad my professors who were in the field would connect some of the students to small-large firms for interviews and internships. After all that those students who failed to land a full time job…decided to study for the CFA thinking 300 hours will change their life.

It is a great learning experience though. Most importantly, we gotta start somewhere right? After all this rant, you should study for the CFA and if you have a chnace, before you get married, etc, make the move. If you fail, at least you know know you gave it a try and do not have any “what if” moments.

This is a great point. There is a lot of knowledge in the CFA, and if you are really set on finance, then it’s very worthwhile to get it done now while young and no family obligations.

It’ll be 5X harder trying to support a family, have a kid AND study for the CFA

But again, there are no guarantees all the hard work and studying will result in anything.

@infinitybenzo…dude…ive said it already…and im saying it again…I AM NOT EXPECTING TO GET A JOB AFTER LEVEL 1 OR LEVEL 2…BUT AFTER BECOMING CFA…AFTER ALL 3 LEVELS… regarding the rest of your opinion…i agree…thanx for sharing yur views…

@iteracom-agreed 100 %…m still 20…so i do have time on my side… and i am waiting for ur opinion on how to get a job…

I dont think this forum will be of much help in finding jobs in India, although I’m not sure what forum would help you.

With that said, I do think if you’re dead set on joining this industry, you should take the exam, you’ll learn quite a lot. However, it is expensive.

OP ok my bad I should have read your posts carefully. You’re 20 years old?! what the… Dude just do whatever the … you want to do man. Go work or go back to school to get into a medical school… etc. Good luck to you Akash!!!

@palantir-when i said helping in finding jobs…i meant skillsets required for them and not about local conditions or availability of jobs in different parts of world…the skills required are constant around the world right?? and that is something which i hope this forum could actively deal with… @infinitybenzo- medical school?? youve got to be kidding me!! im in this field by my choice…not bcoz i could not find nethin else to do…!! thanx for ur strange input though…

Required skill sets would be similar, but qualifications differ by a lot. In your original post, you said “knowledge and talent” should be given preference. Typically they are, but you need to have the tangibles to back them up. Any applicant would say they have talent and knowledge, but how do you prove it. Most applicants do that through impressive education or impressive work experience.

The education you received in India is probably good. But the rankings just isn’t there. We are at a time where graduates from the top schools in the world are having issues finding jobs in this field. And you need every advantage you can get. I can’t think of any university from India that would have a bigger name than any of the top tier schools in the US, and there are like 50 of those.

I know you said you don’t want to do graduate school in the US. Maybe you’d second think that. That’s your shot to put something tangible on your resume that stands you out from the many other equally hardworking Indian students wanting to transition to the US.

@cfasac- bang on…!! as far as doing masters from one of the top usa b schools is concerned…that would be something il consider 5 to 7 years down the line…those schools are damn expensive…for you people 1 lakh dollars is like 2 years’ salary…but for us indians that same amount is like minimum 10 years of salary!! with depreciating rupee…this is getting more and more difficult!! in such scenarios…its just a dream for any middleclass guy to get into ivy league or for that matter top 50 schools…(doing mba from india you may say is an option…come here and you will know how crazy it is!! ) lets see how things unfold…thanx for your valueable input mate,… yes

^ I would have to agree with CFASac. To work in the US for that entry level job you want, you need something to show you can do well here, like get a degree from a good university. That way, managers will be familiar with it and can except a certain level of ability.

There are graduates here that are US citizens from top business schools, and already too many people to choose from. And many of these people are doign the CFA program just like you. No one is going to hire an unknown foreigner from another country. It just doesn’t make sense.

In that case, stand out with your work experience. You can probably get good experience at a boutique, but you want international exposure. Try to get into an international BB that operates in India. A couple years at a bb would do wonders for your resume.

However that might even be a longer shot than just coming to the US and look for jobs. I don’t know much about the job market in India, but I can’t imagine GS India or MS India being any less competitive than in the US.

@ iteracom- bitter truth sad @ cfasac- yea…the competition here is insane…but the good thing is cfa is relatively unknown to masses…so very few people do it in comparision to mba or ca…so just because of dearth of cfas in indian markets…i think one can land an entry level analyst job in midsize firms…although the pay isnt really great… about getting into mncs like GS or MS…well that is difficult…but possible… lets see…if i wont get jobs even after cfa…il try for mba from one ofthe top 10 b schools in india…and that is going to be one hell of a job!! hoping for the best…thanks