From physics to finance


Is Indian Plumbing another euphemism for gangrape, similar to “dating”.

I am getting better at spotting Indians on here. Not my proudest talent.

are you blind ? I’m not Indian.

That’s exactly what an Indian would say.

are you indian ? bahahaha.

i don’t claim to be indian so go away.pif pif

india is a glourious country with a very rich culture. i am nit indian mr

Are people here talking about glorious mother India, richest of culture, most beautiful of women (and men :wink: ), greatest of histories (and of course, of futures), the fountain from which everything good in this world comes?

Btw not Indian

Stop it Gabe

Prove it: would you rather a) have ab-licking worthy abs or b) a transition from back office IT to front office finance?

Are we talking feather Indian or dot Indian?
