Futility of Level 3

What are you doing related to networking to find a job? As a quick analogy I know a lot of good looking women who don’t have boyfriends and I just label them “bad company”. They look great but have a bad attitude, poor disposition, not easy to talk to…just a pretty face…no one wants to be around them. Maybe find a group of people you know who have been successful at finding jobs through contacts and learn from them. Don’t expect a piece of paper with a bunch of credentials to be the end all be all. There are a TON of people just as qualified or even more qualified than you for the positions you seek.

Your thoughts echo with me, as when I really think about it, I used to still appreciate the curriculum and the new things we were learning such as something as small as about the employee pension obligation and the terms around it in FRA. It used to give me joy and a small sense accomplishment when I could better understand those parts of corporate annual report for better.

But level 3? No dude. I did not find it immediately relevant at all. To me I think although it does feel like they are talking about practical things here but in reality, I don’t think equitizing cash or applying the Black Litterman model are hugely practical or popular practices.

Your thoughts echo with me, as when I really think about it, I used to still appreciate the curriculum and the new things we were learning such as something as small as about the employee pension obligation and the terms around it in FRA. It used to give me joy and a small sense accomplishment when I could better understand those parts of corporate annual report for better.

But level 3? No dude. I did not find it immediately relevant at all. To me I think although it does feel like they are talking about practical things here but in reality, I don’t think equitizing cash or applying the Black Litterman model are hugely practical or popular practices.

Moreover while things like writing the ips could well be what you do when you advise clients, in reality I think most of us could have written the ips even after level 1. It’s not such a specialized activity at all. Basically anyone reasonably acquainted with basic English and Time value of money calculation can write the ips.

Bottom line there were not many holy fck moments or enlightenment moments in level 3 curriculum unlike level 2

How did everyone do on private wealth management?

Not rocket science. Im sure a 4 yr BBA finance well covers most of it comprehensively anyways. Probably 2nd yr uni courses

I think I figured it out. Not from finance background but goes to show cfa can pull anything on candidates.

I don’t think there was a similar question in curriculum or mocks.

I liked the challenge. We will find out if the challenge liked me!