Gary Johnson

Everyone complains about the two-party system but without it Trump would almost certainly win the presidency.

POTUS will be either Trump or Clinton, period. If you’re voting for anybody else, the only effect of your vote can be to move support away from one or the other.

^ A vote for a third party expresses displeasure and has a downstream impact in future elections as it can shape a major party

Right right, because mathematically there’s no way people could just choose to vote someone else into office.

I really could care less between the two anyway, the fear mongering Hilldog supporters are hardly a better breed. A good result for the 3rd party here (>20%) could easily begin an evolutionary process of regime change in future elections, either through party reinvention or a split away from the two party system. Black Swans can and do happen and history does repeat itself. It was not an eternity ago that the Republican party was birthed from an aging Whig party.

Although I’m remiss to stand against such confident prognostications.

The thinly transparent fear mongering against 3rd party votes from the existing duopoly is just self preservation.

It could, but the equilibrium is still 2P.

Palantir to Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton in 1869. “Men choose our leaders, not women. This is reality, you may choose to deny it, but it will continue to exist. Now stop all this voting foolishness and get me a sandwich.”

This is the correct answer. Yes, we live in a two-party system and it’s built to remain that way. However, if enough people vote libertarian (likely taking votes away from the right) then the establishment must take notice or risk disenfranchising many voters (likely younger).

The goal is to move the right to be more fiscally conservative (they’ve done just about as poor a job as the left) and more progressive on social issues. Essentially, making government smaller when it comes to your wallet and your bedroom.

^ Aye!

^i fear even if that is the result, it will not matter. A majority of the population benefits from government giveaways in one way or another so the giveaways will continue. as that becomes less and less sustainable politicians will just convince the largest voter blocks that it is everyone else’s fault that they aren’t going to get their entitlements, and it will continue a little while longer. Meanwhile the ‘free everything’ sign at the boarders will continue to draw immigrants with their hands out. Can you guess who they vote for (illegally but nonetheless - check out how certain counties in FL. have >100% of registered voters who voted for Obama).

That’s a simplistic scenario. Eight years of either Trump or Hillary could again change the political undercurrents depending upon what happens. The sentiments that drove 3P voting may not be relevant in 2024.

Another example is if Hillary wins, we could see immigration increase dramatically, again changing demographics. Are those new voters going to care about libertarianism? The voter pool is not static.

Obviously, but I knew you were reading it so I didn’t want to use too many big words.

Good pull, Sweep. I literally LOL’ed at this one.

*Shrugs* I’m just trying to help you. There’s no better way to be irrelevant than to vote for Johnson. By all means, go for it.

Why won’t you just let Palantir help you Sweep?

Palantir is right, we should put our consciences aside and all vote for Trump to help support the perpetual continuation of the two party system regardless of the rubbish those parties give us. Thank goodness we have faithful democrats like him around to help keep us on course when things like honesty and morals threaten to pull us astray.

If I were 'merican, I’d be voting Johnson/Weld. I have no doubt after listening to a few interviews with them over the past week or so. They’re coherent. They’re experienced. They’re cross the aisle pragmatists, which is a little shocking for libertarians (who are generally idealistic fools).

The platform is somewhat irrelevant, the GOP will win the House and control the agenda. You need a guy running the show that can broker the deal, lead with some dignity, and not be corrupt or crooked.

Finally, some sense.

This is b/c they are really just Republicans using the Libertarian brand. Many Libertarians don’t actually like Johnson for some of the things he did as Governor (increased state borrowing) and certain of his foreign policy positions (US should remain as part of United Nations), but he’s still much better than either Clinton/Trump in their eyes.