Gary Johnson

Okay, fine. I’ll do it.

Another thing that hurts libertarians - their whole philosphy of “limited government”.

Limited government means:

  • No affirmative action (Democrat stronghold)

  • Reduced spending for the arts (Democrat stronghold)

  • Reduced spending for the military (Republican stronghold)

  • Reduced welfare benefits (and yes–Social Security and Medicare ARE welfare) (Democrat stronghold)

  • No free college (or anything else for that matter) (Democrat stronghold)

  • No more holding onto antiquated beliefs because of a religious majority, such as “gays and drugs are bad for you” (Republican stronghold)

like i said, put all the people who get something for nothing from the government and you have a majority that will continue to vote the status quo.

i like this guy more and more. very level headed and doesn’t come off as a nut job. this brand of rationality could actually gain some traction with more exposure.


[video: autoplay:0]


I was expecting my boy Eric Greitens to challenge Hillary when she runs for her second term. The Republican party could have massively used his talents. But his campaign for MoGov is a disaster. She looks set for 8 years.

these guys are just your version of UKIP right?

No, there’s no real European/UK equivalent for this crowd. American UKIP version is Donald Trump and his “Alt-Right” supporters.

OK, got it. Was just thinking that it’s a bit of a protest vote and seems to appeal to people that don’t like other people

Nice, Joe Rogan does an awesome job of interviewing guests. He really does research and does a great job talking about things he is actually concerned about

This is interesting… ah it seems photo posts are not working. Anyhow surprised to get 98% agreement with GJ.

double post

How about that? 98% for me too.

GJ 98%

Jill Stein 72%

Donald Trump 70%

Darrell Castle 63%

Hillary Clinton 56%

Palantir 2%

(Your picture shows up when you quote your post. Funny that we both got 98% for GJ but varied so much on Darrell Castle.)

I did it a while back. Think it was 99% for GJ; that’s when I started to take a closer look.

Got 94% Jill Stein, 89% HRC, 82% Gary Johnson, and at the bottom 8% the Donald

Stein has said some pretty dumb things so I would have trouble voting for her, NY isnt a battleground state so no way I am voting HRC/Trump its really between Stein & Johnson for me. Leaning towards Johnson even though I dont agree with him on some important issues based on the fact that he is a pretty level headed guy. I assume my answers for environmental protection are what gave me such a high score for Stein anyway but interesting Trump was so low.

[video: autoplay:0]

Side note: Maria Bartiromo, HCB, Yes/No?

Maybe 15 years ago.

Latest Poll

43% HRC

37% Trump

10% GJ

4% Stein

My man GJ was a key discussion point on CNBC this morning.

It can. It has in the past. It seems to me a major issue is that the millenial generation has grown to outsize any other generation but their voter turnout and political involvement in general as a proportion of their size is much lower than the boomers. The boomers also have larger wallets, political conenctions, positions of power in business and more importantly in media. As they die off and a younger generation with much different values (who cares if you are gay or atheist? we came to adulthood during the financial crisis- why would we issue more debt or further the economic disparity?) comes into more influence (given they decide to start voting/getting involved), I can totally see this as a reality. It won’t happen this election, but if the current trajectory of polarization continues, in time there will have to be mean reversion.

As a side note, there seems to be too much emphasis on presidential candidates. The system of checks and balances ensures the executive branch’s power is limited. If you want to see real change, it is probably prudent to talk about and actually vote where it matters- in the legislative branch. There are a lot of seats up for grabs…