Goldman Sachs Said to Cut More Than 20 in Sales, Trading

I agree with this. It is extremely difficult to get money unless you have a successful long-term track record and a well developed infrastructure. The institutional funds market has become very well defined and extremely competitive – it’s not like it was in the '90s for start up hedge fund. The best way to start a hedge fund is to either already be wealthy or to know wealthy people (likely other fund managers) and get seed capital that way. If you happen to know Julian Robertson, that would be a good start. But basically, starting a hedge fund today is more difficult than at almost any point in history, and it’s unlikely to get much easier any time soon (at least until the economy improves and people want to start investing again).

I thought the OP meant 20% , not 20. Followed the link.

it’s 20.

Who cares about 20.

20 = 0.

Vente = de nada.

I could go on.